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  1. How to make your holiday sustainable?
    An eco-holiday is a responsible trip to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves education. Education is meant to be inclusive of both...

  2. The powerlessness of a person in front of bad manners and rudeness is the problem over which the author reasons.
    The powerlessness of a person in front of bad manners and rudeness is the problem over which the author reasons. This moral and ethical question is actual in our days. With this phenomenon we meet...

  3. Тема Autumn
    Autumn is a time of farewell to the heat and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer, and it's getting more and more noticeable with each new day. The sun...

  4. Can you burn your life, only dreaming of great love - this is the problem over which Tanya Thunder reflects.
    Can you burn your life, only dreaming of great love - this is the problem over which Tanya Thunder reflects. The moral question considered by the author belongs to the category of the eternal. How...

  5. «Take care of mothers the way they care for us!» Is the problem posed by the writer A. Aleksin.
    "Take care of mothers the way they care for us!" Is the problem posed by the writer A. Aleksin. This question is undoubtedly moral. When mom is with us, we do not even think about what will happen...

  6. Спортлайт, ex 10 p 49, Диалог учителя и ученика. Мои интересы.
    {Спортлайт, ex 10 p 49, Диалог учителя и ученика} Took-took-took Adam: Hello, can I come into classroom? Miss Yates: Yes of course, what happened? What is your name? Adam: My name is Adam. I am...

  7. Each of us was helped or sympathized.
    Each of us was helped or sympathized. People's answers to the above question may diverge. Someone needs to be sympathized with, and someone needs only real help. How many people, so many opinions. I...

  8. We must be deaf and blind not to notice the endlessly changing pictures of the world - this is the problem over which the Russian writer V. Belov is discussing.
    We must be deaf and blind not to notice the endlessly changing pictures of the world - this is the problem over which the Russian writer V. Belov is discussing. This moral question is very...

  9. Whether the notion of honor has become outdated today is the question over which the well-known Russian writer Daniil Granin is reasoning.
    Whether the notion of honor has become outdated today is the question over which the well-known Russian writer Daniil Granin is reasoning. This moral problem has existed in the world for a long...

  10. What is valued in the higher strata of modern society is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya is discussing.
    What is valued in the higher strata of modern society is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya is discussing. The writer with disgust speaks about the "cream" of the society of today's Russia,...

  11. Love3
    Love is an inexplicable phenomenon in our life. This comprehensive feeling, based on mutual respect, affection and sympathy for each other, elevates a person, makes his spiritual world deeper. But it...

  12. Spring morning
    Spring is an amazing time of the year, the time of a real celebration of nature. Her life-affirming beauty is especially impressive in the morning, before the onset of a clear, sunny day. As soon...

  13. How punished is the man who betrayed his dream - that's the question that S. Mezentsev is thinking about.
    How punished is the man who betrayed his dream - that's the question that S. Mezentsev is thinking about. The author tells about Kolka Velina, an ordinary guy from a "remote, remote" village,...

  14. Spring in the forest
    Walking through the spring forest is a real pleasure. Perhaps there is snow somewhere else - it's still March in the yard !, maybe the temperature is still not quite high, and we have to wear a warm...

  15. The barbaric attitude of man to nature is the problem over which V. Soloukhin reflects.
    The barbaric attitude of man to nature is the problem over which V. Soloukhin reflects. In order to draw readers' attention to this issue, the author compares our planet with a spaceship whose...

  16. Ticket 11: Space exploration was the greatest achievement of 20th century
    Space explorations started in the second part of the 20th century and now there are still a lot of what needs to be discovered and explored. Scientists and engineers had opened a door to many...

  17. What is the role of memory in the modern world? This is the question over which Matros is reflecting.
    What is the role of memory in the modern world? This is the question over which Matros is reflecting. The author, remembering the Great Patriotic War, thanks God for the fact that a new generation...

  18. It is necessary to atone in time for the blame before close people - that's the problem that S.Lvov reflects on.
    It is necessary to atone in time for the blame before close people - that's the problem that S.Lvov reflects on. The author tells us a sad story from the life of his friend, who could not...

  19. Whether loneliness affects personality is the problem over which M. Shirokova argues.
    Whether loneliness affects personality is the problem over which M. Shirokova argues. The author of this essay with anxiety argues that loneliness greatly affects the person. Some people have a lot...

  20. autumn
    At the end of the new twenty-four hours, more and more warmer days are waning, early darkens, the sky is filled with gray and boring clouds. On these grounds, one can understand: autumn ends. A few...

  21. birds
    The winter has come, snow is snowing and frosty. Winter is a joyful time for people, you can have fun during the weekend, skiing or skating, just walking in the snow. But for birds winter can become...

  22. Letter and essay: «Creative hobbies help to cope with stress» Вербицкая 2020 6 вариант
    «Next week I am going to visit my grandparents. I am so happy! Where do your grandparents live? How often do you see them? Why do elderly people in your country sometimes live with their children and...

  23. Adherence to culture ... Is this an indicator of human morality - that is the question that D.Granin is thinking about.
    Adherence to culture ... Is this an indicator of human morality - that is the question that D.Granin is thinking about. The author bases his discussions on the influence of culture on the moral...

  24. How a person should treat crimes that he knows about is the question that FA Sokolova is thinking about.
    How a person should treat crimes that he knows about is the question that FA Sokolova is thinking about. The author tells about the teacher of the orphanage, who became an eyewitness of...

  25. Do you need to be persistent in difficult moments of life, that's the problem that A. Platonov discusses.
    Do you need to be persistent in difficult moments of life, that's the problem that A. Platonov discusses. The author with respect and sympathy tells us about the hard life of a small flower, which...

  26. MG Khudyakov in the text reflects on the problem of betrayal.
    MG Khudyakov in the text reflects on the problem of betrayal. The narrative is based on a concrete case from life. Two boys went fishing, and one of them hurt his leg. Sergei eight kilometers...

  27. To choose or not to choose their own way of life is the question over which BMBim-Bad thinks.
    To choose or not to choose their own way of life is the question over which BMBim-Bad thinks. The author of the text, deeply reflecting on this problem, divided the society of people into two...

  28. The life of people
    The life of people is not simple and versatile. What is not found in it: an act, an adventure, and love, and hatred, and work, and rest. Refusing these vital components is by no means possible,...

  29. The awakening of nature in the spring
    It is often said about spring: spring is red. "Krasna" - not because there are red flowers. After all, the main color of spring is green anyway. But because it's beautiful. It's really a very...

  30. Письмо о себе. Описание картинки. Письмо о поездке
    [h1] Письмо о себе [/h1] Alex2899, 16 Moscow, Russia I like to play sports. Most of all I like to do sports: ballroom dancing and play football. I do sport ballroom dancing 6 times a week. All my...

  31. What are the causes of the degeneration of the villages is the problem raised by V. Rasputin in the text.
    What are the causes of the degeneration of the villages is the problem raised by V. Rasputin in the text. The author, reflecting on why "... people are fleeing the countryside to large...

  32. Loneliness of the child in the world of adult people is the problem over which A.Likhanov discusses.
    Loneliness of the child in the world of adult people is the problem over which A.Likhanov discusses. The writer is filled with a feeling of pity and sympathy for the children who are in orphanages...

  33. Visiting the winter
    A week ago we made snowballs on the snow, but the snow does not slide into tight, cold balls, but crumbles in the hands of prickly snowflakes. The real winter has come. The day sun shines brightly,...

  34. What actions we consider heroic are the moral question over which the author reasons.
    What actions we consider heroic are the moral question over which the author reasons. Volkogonov DA, reflecting on the problem, tells us about the deed of young paratroopers-Americans who jumped...

  35. Береги время
    Beginning with the fourth grade, my school week is painted literally by the hour: school, homework, swimming pool, English lessons. Only at the weekend I can relax a little, and even then it does not...

  36. In the age of cosmic speeds, people ceased to be amazed - this is the problem over which Vladimir Soloukhin reflects.
    In a fragment from the book "Grass" V. Soloukhin, arguing about the woeful loss of people's ability to be surprised, gives an example. Neither the lunar soil, delivered from a distant planet, nor the...

  37. The soulless attitude of children towards their parents is the problem that S. Tursun describes.
    The soulless attitude of children towards their parents is the problem that S. Tursun describes. In the text proposed to us, the author painfully and regretfully tells how lightheartedly and...

  38. What kind of people are capable of setting high goals is the question over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.
    What kind of people are capable of setting high goals is the question over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects. In her interview, she writes with regret that rich people do not think about "global...

  39. What makes life different from cinema is the problem over which Likhodeev reflects.
    What makes life different from cinema is the problem over which Likhodeev reflects. Reflecting on the art of cinema and about the real reality, the author comes to the conclusion that according to...

  40. Whether human destiny depends only on genes is the question that L. Zhukhovitsky is thinking about.
    Whether human destiny depends only on genes is the question that L. Zhukhovitsky is thinking about. Reflecting on this problem, the author with admiration tells about such great people as AV...

  41. The spiritual connection between man and nature
    The author, telling the story of the birch tree, says bluntly that the beauty of a tree struck a man. The bearded lumberjacks passed the birch - they did not cut down, they just admired it and moved...

  42. What is the dramatic nature of the fate of a clever, sincere person in the era of stagnation? This is the problem over which N.V. Gorlanov.
    What is the dramatic nature of the fate of a clever, sincere person in the era of stagnation? This is the problem over which N.V. Gorlanov. The author of this text painfully describes the fate of...

  43. F. Hayek
    I agree with the author of this statement. One of the main principles of a market economy is competition. It is she who motivates enterprises to produce better and cheaper products. Free competition...

  44. Nepalese proverbs (part II)
    The crow and the cuckoo can be told by their sound. The crow does not talk like the magpie. The crow is neither pleased nor sad because a fruit has ripened. The cuckoo is more cunning than the...

  45. What is joy?
    What is joy? What carries such a common, seemingly, concept? Joy is one of the positive emotions of a person, an inner sense of satisfaction, pleasure and happiness. The very word causes an...

  46. Corner of Nature
    In the modern world, everyone is fussing and hurrying somewhere, not noticing the beauty of what surrounds us.Some modern people tend to visit many countries to see many beautiful places. But often...

  47. Why people in communication often turn to shouting is the problem Sergey Lvov is discussing.
    Why people in communication often turn to shouting is the problem Sergey Lvov is discussing. In the text, he talks about a woman who constantly screams at her children. This is her upbringing system....

  48. The disdainful attitude of the authorities towards the population of the country is the problem over which V.V. Timofeev reflects.
    The disdainful attitude of the authorities towards the population of the country is the problem over which V.V. Timofeev reflects. The author indignantly says that the Russian state has all...

  49. The museum
    Interest to the native land has been planted since childhood, telling about the origin of the ancestors, their culture and customs. And this is true, because every man must know his history. For...

  50. Disrespectful attitude to their health is the problem over which V.A. Soloukhin.
    Disrespectful attitude to their health is the problem over which V.A. Soloukhin. The author painfully talks about how careless people are about their health. One allows himself to "drag on a...

  51. The hobby of teenagers by virtual communication is the problem over which A.Ivanova reflects.
    The hobby of teenagers by virtual communication is the problem over which A.Ivanova reflects. The psychologist argues about what excites almost all modern parents: the dependence of their children...

  52. What is real gratitude is the problem that IA Il'in tries to answer in his essay.
    What is real gratitude is the problem that IA Il'in tries to answer in his essay. The author of the text worries that modern mankind does not appreciate the beautiful, natural in the world. Most...

  53. What does it mean to be a talented reader?
    Being a good reader, I think, is as talented as being a good writer. This can be learned, as well as everything in the world. But talent is talent. When a person opens a new book, he discovers a new...

  54. How to live a life «high and interesting» is the problem over which L. Serova reflects.
    How to live a life "high and interesting" is the problem over which L. Serova reflects. The author is helped to uncover the given question by quite well-known examples from the history of Russia: MV...

  55. River in spring
    Spring is a wonderful time for the awakening of nature. The frozen winter picture is changing, changing right before our eyes, all living things are attracted to light and warmth, growing and...

  56. April day
    April day ... He is so long-awaited after long evenings, cold weather and other "delights" of winter. Such a day is already long enough, because the sun is getting up early and lying down late. The...

  57. Should a person help a homeless animal - that's the question that AV Morozov worries about.
    Should a person help a homeless animal - that's the question that AV Morozov worries about. The text is based on a case from life, when one of the passers-by suddenly spoke to a stray dog. The...

  58. Spring again
    Hurry up the winter! At first, we were waiting for her, we just could not wait for the first snow and the moment when Dad will pull out the sled from the shed and we will be able to ride from the hill...

  59. The arrival of spring
    All seasons are good, but spring is special season. This is the time of the awakening of nature, the birth of a new life, the time of hope and faith in the best. The frosts recede, the day grows...

  60. Drunkenness among minors is the fault of the parents.
    Drunkenness among minors is the fault of the parents. This is a moral problem, very topical today, over which Natalia Ivut thinks. The author, analyzing what makes a child to try alcohol for the...

  61. The struggle of good and evil in the soul of man is the problem over which E.Sikirich reflects.
    The struggle of good and evil in the soul of man is the problem over which E.Sikirich reflects. E. Sikirich talks about the conversation of an old Indian with his grandson about good and evil....

  62. What is nobility is the problem raised by Tsetlin.
    What is nobility is the problem raised by Tsetlin. This moral question, which caused controversy in past centuries, pushed hundreds of good and bad people in a duel, is still relevant to this day....

  63. Puppy
    Parents managed to instill in me love for everything alive, so from the very childhood I really love animals. I always wanted to get myself a pet, take care of him and be responsible for him. But the...

  64. sport
    Probably, in the world there is no person who does not have a favorite occupation, and it does not matter what it is connected with - singing, drawing, writing, cooking or photography. This is not a...

  65. Oksana
    Everyone has friends, they change during life. Someone is leaving, someone is not interested in communicating, but I have my beloved friend. My favorite girlfriend is called Oksana, we are friends...

  66. The influence of the state on the personal life of citizens, on their beliefs and beliefs is the problem over which IA. Ilyin.
    The influence of the state on the personal life of citizens, on their beliefs and beliefs is the problem over which IA. Ilyin. Reflecting on this issue, the author claims that "... a person's inner...

  67. Signs of spring
    Once my father came home from work and said: "Spring begins." I ran to the window and looked through the glass to see how spring begins. But everything looked rather dull and gray. Heaps of dirty snow...

  68. read
    Everyone knows how to read in the modern world, but not all people like this activity. And of those who are fond of reading, there are a lot of those who do it only to do something to themselves, not...

  69. Trees in winter
    In winter, the trees, which are so much fun with their crowns in the summer, are completely naked. Dark, almost black trunks, dark branches. From a distance the forest appears to be a motionless black...

  70. Why do we carelessly take our own lives? This is the question over which Mikhailov reflects.
    Why do we carelessly take our own lives? This is the question over which Mikhailov reflects. In this text, the author argues that some of us "ineptly and thoughtlessly" refer to "this wonderful...

  71. The attitude of a person to criticism in his address is the problem over which M.D. Aksenova.
    The attitude of a person to criticism in his address is the problem over which M.D. Aksenova. Reflecting on this issue, the author with particular warmth tells of the attitude to the remarks...

  72. How important it is for a person to find a cause for his soul, his vocation is the problem over which Shakhidzhanyan reflects.
    How important it is for a person to find a cause for his soul, his vocation is the problem over which Shakhidzhanyan reflects. The moral question considered by the author belongs to the category of...

  73. Humanism is the central problem posed by the well-known Soviet writer Konstantin Simonov in the text.
    Humanism is the central problem posed by the well-known Soviet writer Konstantin Simonov in the text. How much humanity exists, so many moral categories go alongside: philanthropy and cruelty,...

  74. Indifference to the needs of man - this is the problem over which the author reasons.
    Indifference to the needs of man - this is the problem over which the author reasons. V. Timofeev indignantly speaks of insensitive politicians who think of a person "so that he can exist as some...

  75. Egypt
    Egypt was one of the most powerful states of the Ancient World. Numerous campaigns increased wealth and increased the territory of the state. The history of this amazing civilization is studied...

  76. What is nobility is the problem that Tsetlin discusses.
    What is nobility is the problem that Tsetlin discusses. The author, reflecting on this eternal question, expresses confidence that "the basis of nobility is, first of all, a high understanding of...

  77. time
    Very often you can hear the phrase "Not enough time", "there is no time", "if time permits." And what is time? And why should we depend on him? It is known that time can not be stopped. It can not be...

  78. МАМА
    Mama! The very first and native word! Mother in the life of each person is the only one in the world, this is the most beloved person in the whole world. She gave us life and did everything to make us...

  79. Should a man resist evil - that's the question that FA Sokolova is talking about.
    Should a man resist evil - that's the question that FA Sokolova is talking about. The author describes a specific situation in the life of the orphanage, when the young teacher forced the clerk, for...

  80. Письмо, тема: лето
    Отрывок из письма друга: "...I dream of spending summer holidays with my friends. I really don't want to go anywhere with my parents. What about you? Where are you going to spend this summer? Who are...

  81. Influence of smofing at the health Влияние курения на здоровье
    I have read an interesting statement on MaltaToday newspaper’s site recently. It is connected with work of customs, and I am going to become a customs officer, so it was really informative and useful...

  82. Личное письмо 2022 Emily: studying in school Вопросы: music lessons
    Dear Emily, Thanks for your email message. I was glad to hear from you again. I’m sorry I couldn’t answer earlier because I was helping my dad. In your message you asked me if I enjoy studying in my...

  83. Leaf fall
    Such beauty, as in the autumn forest, you will not meet, perhaps, at any other time of the year. The trees seemed to be dressed in their festive colorful clothes, which only do not have the color...

  84. Paints of summer
    I do not really like to be in the summer in the city. Hot asphalt streets, stuffy yards of high-rise buildings, people always hurrying somewhere - all this makes you want to run away. Therefore, at...

  85. The letter and essay
    [Screen]"… My Mum often complains that I spend too much money on shopping. To tell you the truth, I like to buy beautiful things and spend all my pocket money on small souvenirs. I collect souvenirs....

  86. Why a person should strive to form a habit of work, is the question over which M.Shaginyan reflects.
    Why a person should strive to form a habit of work, is the question over which M.Shaginyan reflects. The author reflects on the fact that modern people have an easy and empty attitude to time. If...

  87. The presence of spiritual cripples in our society is the problem over which A.N. Kuznetsov.
    The presence of spiritual cripples in our society is the problem over which A.N. Kuznetsov. The author believes that spiritual cripples at all times have demonstrated and demonstrate a complete...

  88. How the orders and bans of society affect the life of a person is the question over which I.A. Ilyin.
    How the orders and bans of society affect the life of a person is the question over which I.A. Ilyin. The author regrets to tell us that the person is imperfect, therefore in his life "needs...

  89. Личное письмо 2022 George: favorite music band Вопросы: the trip to Edinburg
    Dear George, Thanks for your email message. I was glad to hear from you again. I’m sorry I couldn’t answer earlier because I was helping my dad. In your message you asked me about my favorite music...

  90. Пример письма на английском языке другу
    Один из примеров задания с ЕГЭ 2017 ГОДА специально для школьников, для того, чтобы учиться на ошибках прошлых лет. Сочинение исправленное учителем. September 27, 2017 Dear Andy, Thanks for your...

  91. Письмо Reading books is my favourite pastime
    Vladivostok ussia 20/11/20 Dear Peter, I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad. As for reading, it is rather a significant activity than a pastime...

  92. What place in the row of our relatives, friends, and acquaintances is the mother-that is the problem that IF Goncharov is considering.
    What place in the row of our relatives, friends, and acquaintances is the mother-that is the problem that IF Goncharov is considering. A well-known Russian teacher convinces us, the readers, that...

  93. Than one can heal the hatred of people to each other - this is the problem raised by the author in the text.
    Than one can heal the hatred of people to each other - this is the problem raised by the author in the text. IA Il'in, discussing hatred, describes the behavior of a person at the time of...

  94. Discipline or talent? с переводом
    I disagree with this opinion. Art is an expression of one’s feelings and thoughts, and since everybody has some feelings and thoughts, anyone can create something that actually deserves attention and...

  95. Личное письмо 2022 Mary: to look your best, healthy people Вопросы: summer holidays
    Dear Mary, Thanks for your email message. I was glad to hear from you again. I’m sorry I couldn’t answer earlier because I was helping my dad. In your message you speak about what you do to look...

  96. What can an ordinary person do in extreme situations is the question over which Viktor Nekrasov reflects.
    What can an ordinary person do in extreme situations is the question over which Viktor Nekrasov reflects. The author with respect and pride tells of the feat accomplished by a Soviet soldier who...

  97. society
    Does society in general affect a person? Certainly! Robert Becher, the German poet and prose writer, said that man becomes a man only among people. The meaning of the quote, it would seem, is obvious,...

  98. Nowadays pupils have to read a lot to pass the exams successfully (Сегодня для успешной сдачи экзаменов школьникам приходится много читать) с переводом
    However, the opponents argue that making pupils read a lot in summer is often justified. Mainly, if pupils read books required by the school curriculum on vacations, students would have far more free...

  99. What place is most beautiful on the Earth is the question that V.Seskov is thinking about.
    What place is most beautiful on the Earth is the question that V.Seskov is thinking about. The author enthusiastically talks about the unforgettable morning spent in Halong Bay. "Green rocks...

  100. nature1
    Man and nature are closely interwoven throughout the time of the existence of the world. Perhaps they appeared simultaneously. Nature cares about a person, gives the chance to live a really full life,...

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