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Young people pay too much attention to fashion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about importance of fashion for people. Some people strongly believe that fashion is very important thing in life. Others suppose that fashion is not necessity for young people.

From my point of view, fashion need not to people. Firstly, many people are interested in different things. For instance, they are interested in science, art and music. Secondly, clothes are a material factor that does not show what kind of person is. For example, if a person put on dirty, cheap clothes, this person had not bad.

However, other people believe that people pay way too attention to fashion. Clothes can increase credibility of teenagers and young people.

Moreover, credibility is very necessary for young people.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because fashion and clothes are not important thing in life because there are different interesting things in the modern world.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that young people do not pay too much attention to fashion because it is not important thing in our life.

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about importance of fashion for people. Some people strongly believe that fashion is very important thing in life. Others suppose that fashion is not necessity for young people.

From my point of view, fashion need not to people. Firstly, many people are interested in different things. For instance, they are interested in science, art and music. Secondly, clothes are a material factor that does not show what kind of person is. For example, if a person put on dirty, cheap clothes, this person had not bad.

However, other people believe that people pay way too attention to fashion. Clothes can increase credibility of teenagers and young people. Moreover, credibility is very necessary for young people.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because fashion and clothes are not important thing in life because there are different interesting things in the modern world.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that young people do not pay too much attention to fashion because it is not important thing in our life.


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