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Movies and television influence people’s behavior. Фильмы и телевидение влияет на человеческое поведение (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the popularity of television and movies has grown dramatically. Some people believe that it affects that how people behave. Others claim that there are plenty of other factors influencing human behavior.

In my opinion, besides films and television, there are many things that affect that how we behave. Firstly, people with whom we communicate may influence our conduct. For example, in school we are taught by teachers, which give us much information that we use in our lives.

Thanks to them, we learn how to behave in society. Secondly, the internet strongly affects our conduct. There we face many articles, which give us much new knowledge that we cannot find anywhere else. It says (здесь имеется в виду, что: «это говорит о том, что…») that the internet influence the behavior.

However, there are plenty of people who claim that films and television strongly affects that how people conduct. Well, on television we can watch some programs that give us much information about different things. The films tell us some stories that are close to people. It turns out that films and television affects human behavior.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion. People may gain an example of proper behavior from the books. They may give more knowledges than films and television. It says that books can influence the people behavior.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that there are many things that affect more than movies and television that how people behave. I hope that people will get only useful information for their behavior.


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