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  1. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear пример 2
    Nowadays there are different points of view on the role and popularity of public libraries. Some people think they are becoming less demanded and they will not exist soon. Others, on the contrary,...

  2. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear с переводом
    tend to use electronic books because it is more convenient. It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer. Nowadays there are many opinions about summer reading of students. Some people think...

  3. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear. с переводом
    my opinion about the quarrel with your friend. Actually, it was the common fault. You could ask John about his desires but also John should say what he wanted. Everybody has quarrels with friends and...

  4. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear. / Robots will soon replace people in all jobs
    It is quite obvious that libraries are becoming unpopular in a modern world. There are many people saying that libraries are useless and they will not exist in future. However, others believe that...

  5. Public libraries are becoming less popular and will soon disappear
    It is known that we become more and more dependent on technology. It applies to all aspects of our life, including reading. Some people believe public libraries will not be needed, while others claim...

  6. Public libraries are becoming less popular example
    In today’s world the problem of libraries’ significance causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that popularity of libraries decreases and they can fade away while others do not...

  7. Public libraries are becoming less popular...
    Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear - Эссе по английскому языку ЕГЭ 2019 Reading is a wonderful hobby that is popular among people of different ages. Many people...

  8. Public libraries are becoming useless and will soon go away
    Public libraries are becoming useless and will soon go away. Now many people argue a lot about the declining popularity of libraries and their futility. I would like to reflect on this topic. In my...

  9. Public libraries are getting less popular and they will soon disappear
    Nowadays, thanks to the technological progress, public libraries are becoming less sought after by people, but is this really so and are they not needed. I want to express my point of view on this...

  10. Public libraries are getting less popular and they will soon disappear пример
    Nowadays, thanks to the technological progress, public libraries are becoming less sought after by people, but is this really so and are they not needed. I want to express my point of view on this...

  11. Public libraries become less popular and they will soon disappear
    Public libraries are a special place which people visit to read in the calm atmosphere. Some people suppose that public libraries are useless and soon will disappear, while others support the idea of...

  12. Public transport should be free for everyone
    Nowadays, public transport is an integral part of our lives. As we constantly have to pay for the tickets, some people suppose that using public transport should be without charge. From my point of...

  13. Punishment never has any good effect
    People have been arguing about punishment. ... (начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное продолжение) In the other opinion, the punishment is the only way to prevent new crimes....

  14. Pupils can not study effectively without computer.
    Some people think that students can not get knowledge well without using computer. Definitely,not everybody agrees with that,they think computer is unimportant thing in studying. In my opinion...

  15. Pupils exactly have the same rights to take part in important decisions as adults
    Pupils exactly have the same rights to take part in important decisions as adults. But there are people who think that children cannot understand some issues and make decisions themselves. In my way...

  16. Pupils should learn at least two foreign languages
    Many people think the knowledge of two and more foreign languages is very important in the modern life. Though there are a lot of others who may disagree with them. I agree, that children should...

  17. Pupils should take part in making decisions about school problems
    Educational institutions always face different challenges. Some people believe that not only adults, but also students should solve school problems, while others are convinced that pupils should not...

  18. Pupils should wear a school uniform
    There is a great number of people who believe that a school uniform should be worn by students. Others, however, do not agree with that point of view. As for me, students must wear a uniform....

  19. Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood
    Nowadays anxiety about children`s achievements has become a controversial issue. While the majority of people maintain the idea that forcing youngsters to attain to success might steal their nonage,...

  20. Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood пример
    Nowadays, people are getting more and more concerned with bringing up a children. Some people tend to believe that significant achievements in young age provide success in future. At the same time...

  21. Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood пример 2
    Nowadays there are different points of view on making children achieve goals. Some people think that forcing youngster to attain to success might steal their childhood. Others, on the contrary, claim...

  22. Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood с переводом
    Parents always want children to be the best. Sometimes it can be considered as robbing children of their childhood because instead of playing kids have to attend different extra lessons. In my...

  23. Reaching the polar region and the ocean floor is useless adventurism
    The issue whether travelling to distant areas is an unjustified risk provokes many arguments. Some people claim that going to hard-to-get places is reckless step while others argue that reaching the...

  24. Reading a lot in summer
    It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer. Nowadays there are a lot of pupils who are not interested in reading books. So, a lot of teachers force their pupils to read them more while they...

  25. Reading books is a waste of time. Essay. Чтение книг - трата времени на английском
    Information has become more concise and factual with the advent of social networks and blogs on the Internet. Undoubtedly, it saves human’s precious time. However, there are still people who are...

  26. Reading comic books helps children improve their knowledge
    Nowadays, reading is becoming less popular. People prefer watching films, listening to music, playing videogames or surfing the internet. One of the best examples of books’ disappearing is comics....

  27. Reading detective story is a waste of time
    There is no doubt that all people in the world have different tastes and preferences. Some people claim that detective stories take a lot of time and do not lead to anything good. While others argue...

  28. Reading fiction
    There is no doubt that reading fiction is becoming less and less popular with teenagers. Unfortunately I have to agree with this point of view. Teenagers prefer watching film adaptations instead of...

  29. Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenager пример
    It goes without saying that reading fiction was one of the most popular kind of entertainment among teenagers for a long time. Some people claim that reading this kind of literature is becoming less...

  30. Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers
    Books have always opened a gateway to the outside world for readers. But nowadays, television is becoming more and more popular and it has replaced reading in general. Some people say that reading...

  31. Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers /boom/
    Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers Nowadays reading becoming less popular among teenagers. Especially ,they do not like reading fiction. Many people agree with that...

  32. Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers example
    Nowadays reading is still a big part of our lives. Some of us think that teenagers prefer to play computer games, watch YouTube, chat in social networks, etc. to reading fiction books while the others...

  33. Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers пример
    Reading is one of the most interesting entertainments for teenagers. Some people think that it is important for young people to reed books. Others claim that more and more teens do not take interest...

  34. Reading is a waste of time
    With the development of the world and technology books begin to lose their importance. The Internet has changed everything. We can find whatever we need without having to buy a book. Do books really...

  35. Reading is an important part of our life
    The role of reading in our life is hard to overestimate. It becomes clear if you think about this problem carefully. Below are just a few examples showing that without reading our life would be simply...

  36. Reading is no longer the main source of information
    In the modern world the issue of the role of reading is highly debatable. Many people think that reading is the key way of getting information, but others have the opposing opinion. Personally, I...

  37. Reading poetry is becoming less and less important for young people nowadays пример
    Nowadays people have various preferences so it is natural that some of them think that reading poetry plays less significant role in life of young people. Others are against arguing that poetry is...

  38. Reading poetry is becoming less important for teenagers с переводом
    Some people believe reading poetry is not significant for youngsters nowadays. However, others claim it still is important for them. In my opinion, reading poetry is not meaningful for young...

  39. Reading poetry is becoming less important for young people nowadays
    Nowadays cultural life of society has altered beyond all recognition. Literature, art and music have dramatically changed. And as a consequence, more and more people have started to believe that...

  40. Reading poetry is becoming less important for young people nowadays + letter
    neading habits are widely spoken nowadays. Some people think that poetry is becoming less important among youngsters, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view. In my opinion, poetry is...

  41. Reading the same book multiple times does not make sense
    Nowadays, the problem of reading books causes a great discussion and controversy. Some people consider that it is pointless to read one book several times while others are convinced that reading a...

  42. Reality show is one of the best TV shows
    Nowadays many people spend a lot of time in front of TV screens watching soap operas, films, news reports, sports games or reality shows. Some people think that reality shows are the most interesting...

  43. Reality show is one of the best TV shows с переводом
    Some people think that a reality show is one of the best TV programs, while others hold an opposite view. In my opinion, there are many television programs, which are better than reality shows....

  44. Reality TV is harmful to children and they shouldn’t watch it
    Reality TV is harmful to children and they shouldn’t watch it Nowadays people are given different options of spending their free time. One of them is watching TV. Some people are sure that there...

  45. Reasons for travelling
    It goes without saying that reasons why people travel have been the subject of much recent discussion. I am therefore currently working on an important project to find out why young people in Zetland...

  46. Recommendations for improvement of flats Рекомендации по улучшению квартир
    From: Stan Wallace To: Joe Shaffer Subject: Suggestions for improving flats Date: 13th April INTRODUCTION The main topic of my report is to recommend ways to improve the building's landscaping....

  47. Recycling and reusing materials
    I’d like to tell you about one of the urgent problems know as recycling and reusing materials.  Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away...

  48. Recycling is now an essential measure: it is for everyone in society to become more responsible towards the environment
    Nowadays reprocess is very important for our planet, so everyone should become answerable for their actions. As for me, I am sure that nowadays recycling is no more a choice. It has become a...

  49. Regular studies and punctuality make an ideal student
    Nowadays people have different views on the issue devoted to things that make an perfect student. Some people think that there is nothing better than constant studies and accuracy to help the student...

  50. Report « the attention of people to changes in background details»
    Subject : the attention of people to changes in background details. Purpose: The aim of the report is to determine people’s abilities to detect changes. The experiment: The experiment was...

  51. Review of Dostoevsky's novel «Crime and punishment»
    Heartbreaking and skillfully written, I thoroughly enjoyed Fyodor Dostoevsky’s psychological novel, Crime and Punishment. The story set in Saint Petersburg and the plot centres on moral dilemmas of...

  52. Review on “Anna Karenina” by Alexei Tolstoy
    It seems to me that we call a favorite book that we read at the right time, thanks to it, perhaps, we were able to discover something new in ourselves, solve a problem, or find an answer to a...

  53. Robots
    Some people think that robots will do all work in the future, while others believe that it is impossible to completely replace a person with a robot. I will try to parse both options. I disagree...

  54. Robots will soon replace in all jobs
    In modern world technologies are widespread. Some people believe that machines will just replace ordinary workers on factories while others think that robots will replace all workers no matter of...

  55. Robots will soon replace people
    It is generally suggested that the inventions of technological progress will be able to perform different types of work instead of humankind in the nearest future. However, a big number of analytical...

  56. Robots will soon replace people in all jobs
    In recent years technical progress has given rise to a fierce debate between those who claim that robots can become an alternative to human labor in all spheres and those who think that they will...

  57. Robots will soon replace people in all jobs example new
    Nowadays modern technologies are developing very fast. And robots become more and more popular with people. Somebody even considers machines will do all human work in the nearby future. ut other...

  58. Robots will soon replace people in all jobs example пример
    Nowadays introduction of robots into our life causes great argument. Some people claim that robots will do most of our work in the future. Others think that humanity will continue doing all things by...

  59. Robots will soon replace people in all jobs пример
    One issue that caused plenty of controversy over the years is that robots will work in all jobs instead of people. Some people believe that it is a bad way to replace people with machines, while...

  60. Robots will soon substitute people in all jobs
    We currently live in an age of advanced technologies. Special importance have robots. They are developing rapidly, and the new models are constantly appearing. This raises a serious question: will we...

  61. Role of books \ The role of books in our life
    However, many people have an opposite opinion. They expect a worthwhile book to be relaxing. Books must not be deep and make you think about serious and turbid issues as reading is just a hobby that...

  62. Role of books and their film versions
    Nowadays books and films are closely connected. There is almost no book without its film version. Moreover some film versions are more popular than books. If 100 years ago watching films was a luxury...

  63. Roles as men and women start when we are born and there will always be male and female professions in any society
    Many people are sure that professions in our society are divided into male and female and it is normal while others think that this classification cannot exist. I firmly believe that though many...

  64. Rural areas are the best places to live for elderly people
    Rural areas are believed by many people to be the best places to live for elderly people. However, others hold an opposite opinion. To my mind, living in rural areas is the best idea for senior...

  65. Rural areas are the best places to live for elderly people пример
    Recently there has been a heated debate whether it is essential for older generation to live in the countryside. This issue is rather controversial and relevant nowadays. Personally, I think, that...

  66. Russian is easier than English (с переводом)
    There are a lot of languages in the world. Learning foreign languages is not very easy. Many people think that some languages are easier to learn than others. But our conversation is about the Russian...

  67. Russian is easier to learn than English
    Russian and English are two very different languages, both structurally, grammatically, and in terms of their writing systems. As with all languages, learning. Russian can take time and dedication,...

  68. Russian is the most difficult language to learn
    Nowadays, there is an opinion that Russian is the hardest language for studying. Whereas others disagree and think that one of the easiest language to learn is Russian. From my point of view,...

  69. Russian Winter
    Winter always comes unexpectedly, cold sets in, and a lot of snow falls. Frost of Russian winter, quite different than in the south of the country. He can bind the earth in a few days, and the snow...

  70. Sandra has been friends with Anna for a long time.
    1. Sandra has been friends with Anna for a long time. 2. Jim and Anna have good relations at the moment. 3. Jim feels guilty about his behavior towards Anna. 4. Jim has a...

  71. School
    School plays very important role in the life of every single person. We can learn a lot of subjects and languages which can help us in our future life. Also we communicate and make a lot of friends at...

  72. School attendance should be optiona
    Nowadays, the issue of school attendance causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that students must attend each lesson, while other think that it does not need to be...

  73. School classmates make the best friends
    Friendship is an essential part of our lives. Some people think that our classmates can become our best friends, while others suppose that it is not exactly so. In my opinion, school classmates...

  74. School classmates make the best friends example
    People always need friendship. Many of them find their best friends during school years. Some people think that school is the best place to find them, while others are of the opposite opinion. To...

  75. School classmates make the best friends пример
    The issue, which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years, is friendship between school classmates. Some people believe that school classmates become best friends. Others take this opinion...

  76. School classmates make the best friends пример 3
    Nowadays there are different points of view on issue of making best friends. Some people think that school classmates become best friends for years to come. Others, on the contrary, claim that best...

  77. School classmates make the best friends с переводом
    Teenagers spend most of their time at school. School is the place where they learn something new and meet new friend. But there are people who are sure that school is not the best place to make...

  78. School classmates make the best friends, do not they?
    Nowadays the topic of school friendship is considered to be a debatable issue. Some claim that classmates never became bad friends, while others think the opposite. Let us reflect who is right. My...

  79. School classmates make the best friends. Пример
    School is an essential part of our life, and we do not only study there, but also make friends. Some people believe that such friends are the best, while others have a different opinion. In my...

  80. School classmates make the best friendship + письмо «Yesterday our teacher mentioned that many talented people had problems at school»
    There are a lot of discussions about human relationship nowadays. Some people are convinced that pupils find trusty friends only in their class, while others believe that a person can meet a real...

  81. School classmates make the friends
    The problem of true friends has always aroused sharp debates. Nowadays a great number of people claim that only classmates can become true friends. However, others have a different point of view. I...

  82. School is not the only way to study
    We often associate school with a spoiled childhood. It is a quite difficult time for everyone with lots of homework, exacting teachers and unfriendly classmates. Our world, especially modern, shows...

  83. School leaver should take a gap year before entering university
    Ex-pupils had better to have a free year between school and university. Actually I cannot agree with this statement but there are many people that have another opinion. Many men — many minds. I am...

  84. School leavers should take a gap year before entering university
    Views concerning a gap year differ widely among people. Some people consider it is unacceptable. Others are in favour of it before studying at university. In my opinion, school leavers should take...

  85. School leavers should take a gap year before entering university (+перевод)
    There is nо denying that this issue is rather соntrоversial and peоple differ greatly in their attitude tоwards it. Sоme оf them сlaim that sсhооl leavers оught tо take a gap year befоre gоing tо...

  86. School leavers should take a gap year before entering university example
    Nowadays there are different points of view on taking a gap year after school. Some people say that it is better for school leavers to take a gap year. Others, on the contrary, claim that they should...

  87. School leavers should take a gap year before entering university example new
    Nowadays, the problem of taking a gap year before entering university by school livers causes a great discussion and controversy. Some people consider that teenagers should take a free year from...

  88. School leavers should take a gap year before entering university с переводом
    A gap year is a period of time when a student takes a rest between school and university. Some people think that it is useful and necessary to have a break, while others are sure it is better to enter...

  89. School leavers should take a gap year before going to university
    Nowadays the notion of gap year is heard often. Some people think that future students should take a year off before going to university. However, others believe that it is necessary for school...

  90. School leavers take a gap year before entering university
    Here is no doubt that education plays a significant role in our life. Some students enter university immediately after finishing school. While others think that it is better to take a gap year before...

  91. School plays a major role in the life of teenagers
    Much is being said nowadays about the effect school has on our lives. Some people believe that school has a great influence on young people, whereas other people think differently. Personally, I...

  92. School trips
    There is no doubt that school trips has become extremely popular so far. Some people think that this is very useful food children white others suppose that this is bad for their education. As for me,...

  93. School uniforms
    Nowadays, there are many discussions about the need for school uniforms. Some schools do not consider it necessary. Not everybody shares this attitude, though, insisting that school clothes are an...

  94. school’s role in shaping one’s personality is more important than family’s one
    It’s common knowledge that school’s role in shaping one’s personality is more important than family’s one. In this essay I will express my opinion on this matter and try to reason it. Personally, I...

  95. Schoolchildren should wear a school uniform
    Nowadays, when there exist so many different clothes and fashion trends are widespread all over the world, people hesitate whether students should wear a school uniform. Some of them claim that...

  96. Schools don't prepare teenagers well enough to be adults in the modern world. Do you agree?
    The issue of how well teenagers prepare for adulthood by studying at school is controversial. Some people claim that schools are bad in teaching students real-life skills, whereas others disagree. In...

  97. Schools should ban the sale of junk food
    The problem of selling harmful food in schools is very relevant. Some people believe that it should be allowed for sale as students should be free to decide what to eat. The opinion of all that is...

  98. Science financing
    In the modern world the issue of financing is rather relevant and there are a lot of discussions about it. Some people claim that science is the crucial thing to be financed while others hold an...

  99. Science in the first thing to be financed in the modern world
    Nowadays some people hold the opinion that money should be invested in science. However, opponents of this view say that there are a lot of things which are more important to be financed. This problem...

  100. Science is the first thing to be financed
    We live in the era of modern technologies and many discoveries are made every day, in different spheres, for example: physics, maths, chemistry and biology. Some people think that science should be...

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