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School leaver should take a gap year before entering university (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Ex-pupils had better to have a free year between school and university. Actually I cannot agree with this statement but there are many people that have another opinion. Many men — many minds. I am going to express my point of view on this issue.

I strongly believe that a gap year has more disadvantages than advantages. In the first place we talk about human's ability to study. It looks like a stream when a person gets new klowladge. He does not stop studying. This continuous process is keeping by a student and that allows him to become better day after day. However a person who takes a gap year is in danger because he feels free and has no necessity to keep his rhythm of education.

He can study and prepear for exams but it is another level of load. That means a future student of university become less suitable for his place in that educational institution.

Moreover we must remember about people's psychology and his habbit to feel good while lazying. I mean if a person takes a gar year he can to lose a passion to education and self-development. He thinks that home is very comfortable place to leave it and go to university where there will be a lot of stress. He does not want to leave his comfort zone. So, that is a reason why a gap year can broke someone's life.

However there are people who think differently. They are sure that a gap year gives a future student time to think about his wishes, what he really wants. A lot of american students use this apportunity and choose his next profession successfully.

Personally, I cannot agree with them. In Russua this practice has other consequences of that. That happens because russian mentality when yough cannot use its time with benefit. Students just do not continue to study.

In conclusion I would like to restate that a gap year is a dangerous practice. It can use only people who are sure that education is the most important thing in their life.


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