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School classmates make the best friends. Пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

School is an essential part of our life, and we do not only study there, but also make friends. Some people believe that such friends are the best, while others have a different opinion.

In my opinion, you can really find good friends at school. To begin with, your classmates and you spend a lot of time together. It is the reason why you can meet people who have common interests and find out lots of things about each other. Moreover, during classes, you face a large number of challenges, and such difficulties can team you and your classmates up.

However, some people have an opposing opinion. They claim that it is hard to keep friends when you leave school because you cannot find time to see your friends or you stop having common interests.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opponents’ point of view. Of course, leaving school you start to have more responsibilities, so some people get higher education and others go to their work, but it is always possible to meet your friends. In addition to it, you can take up a new hobby together to spend time seeing each other.

To sum up, though the problem of childhood friendship is rather controversial, I strongly believe that you can really make the best friends at school and have a great time hanging out with them.


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