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Recommendations for improvement of flats Рекомендации по улучшению квартир (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

From: Stan Wallace

To: Joe Shaffer

Subject: Suggestions for improving flats

Date: 13th April


The main topic of my report is to recommend ways to improve the building's landscaping. Similar changes will be strongly useful for the arrangement of the territory.


Every year the number of places for the nomination is getting more in our university, so as the number of the students. That is why capital repairs are required for the building. It can attract more students to live here.


In addition, the interior furniture should also be updated. To begin with, I propose to give a new look to the general cafeteria: change broken chairs and tables, replace old coffee machine and finally fix the sink. Also, it is important to do a good cleaning of the room so it would make the location more comfortable. In addition, the new decorations will give a cozy atmosphere.

So, a patterned carpet, a pair of wall paintings and few pots of flower will not be unnecessary. Moreover, the lighting in some locations of the apartment requires proper attention. Replacing light bulbs in luminaries will help restore normal lighting.


Unfortunately, the first floor is not well-maintained. The fact is that graffiti-inscriptions on the walls and unclear garbage spoil the appearance of the neighborhood. The new wall covering and simply area cleaning will be a great solution to this problems. It would also be a good decision to organize a small garden near the house, so that residents have a place to relax in the fresh air. It is very important to create a place where people can spend their weekends with their families and friends. For this you need to install an outdoor grill and put benches with a large table, so people would be able to have an evening barbecue and just enjoy their time together.


I strongly believe that new improvement would attract more people to live here. Well-equipped and comfortable apartment will be the best place to stay for students.


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