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School classmates make the friends (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of true friends has always aroused sharp debates. Nowadays a great number of people claim that only classmates can become true friends. However, others have a different point of view. I think this problem is really worth discussing.

As for me, I support the first opinion and have several reasons to prove it. To start with, teenagers usually have a similar worldview. They learn the same lessons, have common friends. It shapes their outlook on life. In addition, classmates spend a lot of time together. During this time teenagers have a chance of meeting with each other’s habits and lifestyles. Moreover, scientists have proved that relations arising among people in childhood are the strongest.

Teenagers have a wonderful memory and their warm memories connect them all life.

Nevertheless, another point of view concerning this issue exists. People claim that growing up people change their place of living and forget school friends.

Though I respect this point of view, I definitely cannot share it. I am absolutely sure that a distance is not a problem. People can communicate via the Internet or spend correspond with letters each other. The distance only strengthen the relation between true friends.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this problem is still to be discussed. I believe that the classmates can become best friends. Nonetheless, one should analyze and compare all pros and cons before marking a proper decision.


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