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School leavers should take a gap year before entering university example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different points of view on taking a gap year after school. Some people say that it is better for school leavers to take a gap year. Others, on the contrary, claim that they should go straight to university. Let me express my own opinion.

I am convinced that taking a gap year after school has many advantages. Firstly, it allows them to rest and relax after hard studying. Moreover, school leavers have an opportunity to spend their time on self-development. Despite the fact that people study different useful subjects at school, only real life experience makes them learn some necessary skills and get valuable knowledge. What is more, future students can spend their time doing their favorite activities, visiting interesting places, broadening their horizons.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion.

They claim that the sooner people start studying in university the faster they graduate and be able to start working. In addition, some people think that one gap year may turn into the second one and then it will take even more years and school leavers won't begin their studying in university.

However, I disagree with these statements. Taking a gap year allows people to prepare for studying in university and for life in general. Moreover, strong discipline will make school leavers to go to university exactly after the end of a gap year.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a gap year is very important for students because it can give them unique experience that they will realize in their lives.


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