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Pupils should learn at least two foreign languages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people think the knowledge of two and more foreign languages is very important in the modern life. Though there are a lot of others who may disagree with them.

I agree, that children should study at least two foreign languages. Firstly, knowledge of foreign languages broadens students’ mind, opens up new perspectives. So, the more languages pupils will know, the more opportunities they will have. Secondly, there are many people who know one foreign language. However, less people know two foreign languages. It may make students who knows two and more languages very valuable workers.

However, some people may disagree with me. Many parents are sure that learning many languages acquires a lot of energy and time.

So, they consider it will be too hard for their children. Moreover, a lot of people think that knowing English is enough for communicating with other people.

I cannot agree with the above opinion. I am sure that a good timetable can solve the problem of the lack of time. Moreover, in the modern world it is not enough to know only the English language for a successful communication. In addition, many scientific conferences and courses are presented in French, Chinese and other languages. Also, there is a tendency, especially in China, of speking their mother tongue and ignoring the English language to escape the westernization.

In conclusion, I summarize that modern world requires many skills, especially knowing foreign languages.

(237 слов)

Vocabulary/Краткий словарь:

broaden mind — расширять кругозор, узнавать новое

require — требовать, нуждаться

opportinities — возможности

open up — открывать, делать доступным

communicate/communication - общаться/общение

valuable — ценный

enough — достаточно

lack of time — недостаток времени

consider — считать/полагать (аналог think)

scientific — научный

mother tongue — родной язык

escape - избежать

westernization — процесс вестернизации

summarize — подвести итог


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