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Другие сочинения
  1. Письмо другу на английском - о любимой книге
    Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I’m glad to hear that you decided to make a reality of your dream. As for me, I like jazz best of all. To tell the truth, I used to listen to...

  2. Письмо другу о своем родном городе, о Москве
    Dear Jane, Thanks for you letter. Great to hear from you again. Sorry for not writting earlier as I was busy with my exams. Well, I live in Moscow and it's really big and noisy city. I enjoy living...

  3. Письмо ЕГЭ ...I dream of spending summer holidays with my friends.
    18 Lenin Street Moscow Russia 18 June 2018 Dear Henry, Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I have not answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. In your letter you asked me about my...

  4. Письмо и репорт
    [Screen]Many teenagers have their own social network accounts and I am therefore currently working on an important project to find out what social media platforms are popular among teenagers in...

  5. Письмо личного характера. Задание С1
    Dear Mary, Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for so long. It is so awful about your aunt. «Это так ужасно насчет твоей тети» - по русски звучит коряво, и по английски...

  6. Письмо с вопросами про trip, эссе Young people like travelling more than senior citizens
    Young people like travelling more than senior citizens. Some people think that youngsters enjoy travelling more than adults. Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. Some people consider...

  7. Письмо-резюме для работодателя. Письмо с отдыха. Письмо с рекомендацией книги
    {Письмо-резюме для работодателя} 17 White Road, Dover 1th Jule Dear Mr Brown, I am writing to apply for the position of Summer Waiters, which was advertised in television annoucement. I am...

  8. Письмо. Are you getting used to your new school? What's it like? Have you made any new friends?
    + Read the extract from your English pen-friend's email. Her name is Lucy. Write an email to Lucy, who hasn't been feeling well. In your email: 1. Tell you about your new school (рассказать о своей...

  9. Письмо. I really like soap operas. What about you? What forms of entertainment do you like? What's your favourite form of entertainment?
    -------------------------------------- 15 Narvskaya Street Saint-Petersburg Russia 7 December 2017 Dear Lucy, Sorry, I haven't written to you for so long. I was quite busy at school. In...

  10. по разделам «Food and Health» и «Career»
    1. "Governments should limit the size of sugary drink containers in order to improve public health" It is common knowledge that sugar is bad for human's health. It will be good if the size of sugar...

  11. Подделки в искусстве (discursive essay)
    Nowadays, the issue of the possibility of making and using forgeries in art is very controversial. Some people think that fakes can transform and diversify the original, without deforming a unique...

  12. Поиск счастья
    В предложенном для анализа тесте Виктор Сергеевич Розов поднимает проблему поиска счастья в жизни. Задумываясь над этой проблемой ,автор приводит в пример слова Чехова: «Если хочешь быть оптимистом...

  13. Польза написания книг
    These days, the question of writing books is very controversial. Some people think that writing books is useful, while others think that it is pointless. The opinion is that writing a book will help...

  14. Почему это так важно изучать иностранные языки? \ Why is it so important to learn foreign languages?
    If you want to practice English you can join to the camp of foreign languages. Also there are camps for children and old man. Most of kids adore camps. They make new friends and get happy memories....

  15. Пример An early choice of a career path is the key to success
    Nowadays some people think that the definition of children`s future job is a good contribution to their developing. However, there are those who say that it is wrong to make children ponder about a...

  16. пример Digital literacy is a key to success in any occupation
    In the modern time technologies are developing faster and faster, and that is why some people are sure that the best way to achieve success in your occupation is to be digitally literate. But there is...

    The issue of technology is relevant nowadays but still it is rather controversial. Some people state that technology has too much influence on people’s life. Others claim that technology does not have...

  18. Примеры писем
    Dear Tom, Thanks a lot for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven’t answered for a long time, I was really busy. In your letter, you asked me about life without parents....

  19. Примеры писем weekends и watching TV
    Letter N1 Dear Pete, Thanks for your email. I was so happy to receive it again. Glad to hear that you spent all day at the beach. In your email you asked me some questions and now I’m ready to...

  20. про Рикки-Тикки-Тави на английском с переводом
    Rikki-Tikki-Tavi In the English lesson, we have recently watched the film >. In the film, the jungle with all its inhabitants was shown very well. It was very interesting to see elephants,...

  21. Проблема учебы заграницей (плюсы и минусы)
    Nowadays, the problem of choosing the best way of education causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that studying abroad gives more advantages and opportunities for development....

  22. Проблемы нашего района и пути их решения
    I live in country of X. . . . And it has some problems, so today I would like to pick up different ways to solve them and become neighborhood more pleasant and convenient place to live. Well,...

  23. Продолжение семейной династии (Discursive essay)
    Nowadays, the problem of choosing a profession and the role of parents in making this decision causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that continuation of the family business gives...

  24. Путешествия для людей разного возраста
    Nowadays, the issue of the attractiveness of traveling for people of different ages is controversial. Someone believes that young people travel more often, while others say that it is not true and the...

  25. Рассказ «My Idol» и «My dearest friend»
    Сочинение на тему «My Idol» For a very long time I admire the famous actor Will Smith. Once I saw his acting work in a film “7 Pounds„ and I really liked It! He is now 50 years old and he...

  26. Роботизация (Discursive essay)
    Nowadays, the issue of the possibility of replacing a human by robot causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that the automating of the society's life will bring many advantages and...

  27. Роль Интернета в моей жизни на английском с переводом
    The role of the Internet in my life The Internet is an important part of the modern world. Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day, and I'm not an exception. The Internet...

  28. с переводом Spending a day at the zoo can be breathtaking and educational
    Some people claim that each settlement should be provided the zoos, while others are skeptical about this view. To my mind, it is not necessary to construct the zoos in every town and city. Firstly,...

  29. С. Н. Канарейкин: «Предпринимательская деятельность служит интересам не только индивидуума, но и общества в целом» пример
    С. Н. Канарейкин, автор предложенного для рассмотрения высказывания обращается к идее сущности предпринимательства. Он говорит, что деятельность человека, связанного с предпринимательской...

  30. Сhilhood is the safest period pf human life
    Some people think that children`s lives are the least dangerous, while others claim that it is not safe at all. I strongly believe that childhood is a really brilliant time of human life....

  31. Сomputer games teach us nothing
    Nowadays computer games have become very popular among teenagers. Some people say that to play computer games is useless and stupid. But others believe that computer games help teenagers to develop...

  32. Самообразование невозможно без навыков работы с компьютером
    There is no doubt that self-education is one of the most pressing issues in the modern society. Some people are convinced that one cannot educate oneself without knowing how to use a computer, while...

  33. Тhese is no such thing as impossible
    No doubt, our world is always developing and many unbelievable inventions are entering our lives. Nowadays there are two controversial issues about human capabilities. Some people are sure that if we...

  34. текст What does Billy Green think of being an actor?
    What does Billy Green think of being an actor? 1) It’s not as difficult as many people think. 2) You have to memorize a lot of unnatural lines for a role. 3) Your roles...

  35. Текст аудирования Both Mike and Jane enjoyed their prom
    1. Both Mike and Jane enjoyed their prom. 2. Mike’s parents went to Peru for sightseeing. 3. Mike’s parents don’t like visiting Spain. 4. Jane thinks Peru is a safe place for...

  36. Тема «My winter holidays» (Мои зимние каникулы)
    Pupils of Russia have vacations four times a year: in winter, spring, summer and autumn. That is the time when they can have a rest after intesive studies, can take a trip to other cities of Russia or...

  37. Тема: An early choice of a career path is the key to success пример
    Nowadays people attach a lot of value to choosing their future profession as early as possible. Some people argue that the earlier you choose your career path, the more successful you will be while...

  38. Топик «Мои домашние обязанности» (My household chores/duties)
    claim all teenagers should have some responsibilities around the this situation can be if some mothers does not work so they have a considerable amount of free time. Moreover, children come home tired...

  39. Университет/ University
    So, if I disagree with my parents, I`ll try to listen to them and consider the situation again. By the way, do you get on well with your younger sister? How often do you argue with her? Do you often...

  40. Условный диалог-расспрос и монологическое высказывание по теме «Книги»
    Условный диалог-расспрос и монологическое высказывание на тему «Книги» Задание 2. Ответы на вопросы в телефонном разговоре. 1. What kind of books do like to read? - I like reading detective...

  41. Центральные районы больших городов должны быть закрыты для частного транспорта
    Nowadays there is a controversy about cars in the city centre of large cities. Some people believe that city centre should not be available for personal transport, while others disagree. Now I would...

  42. Школа – наш второй дом (School is our second home) Поездка в другой город (Trip to other city) Моя семья (My family)
    [h1]School is our second home[/h1] So knowledge about it is duty. I have been studying at Siberian lyceum is a state, co-educational, specialist school. Сlasses start at 8:30 am, because it standarts...

  43. Экология/ Ecology
    concerned, governments need our help and comprehension. Firstly, the source of environmental problems is the man. Secondly, people should understand themselves how it is important to keep towns,...

  44. Эссе Studying online is more interesting than studying at school
    We usually go to a school or University where people study in a class, so we are used to having one form of education. However, some students prefer to study online for some reasons. There are...

  45. Эссе Technical progress is always harmful for the environment
    Some people are convinced that technical progress always damages the environment and leads to irreparable consequences. Nevertheless, there are those, who affirm that modern inventions are safe for...

  46. Эссе: Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation
    We live in a century of technologies. That is why our lives have changed a lot. Some people think that it is really important to know how work with modern technologies, while others consider that a...

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