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Robots will soon replace people in all jobs example пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays introduction of robots into our life causes great argument. Some people claim that robots will do most of our work in the future. Others think that humanity will continue doing all things by themselves. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, robots will not be able to do all the things which people do. To begin with, in some professions people need to communicate with each other. Moreover, there are jobs, in which human work is essential, like medicine. The human body is unpredictable, and robots can fail if they find some unusual cases. That is why a human work is irreplaceable.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. Some people think that artificial intelligence will be able to replace human intelligence someday.

They consider that technologies are developing rapidly and it means that something capable of replacing human work will be created soon. Moreover, robots do things accurately when people can make mistakes for many reasons. It means that using robots is more effective.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion. It is very difficult to create a perfect artificial intelligence able to replace a human. Robots cannot think abstractly like people can. Moreover, programs can fail. And despite the fact that robots work accurately, in some professions non-standard solutions are needed.

In conclusion, I should say that many of the things that people do are irreplaceable. Robots will never replace people in all jobs. Besides, there are no computers which can undertand a human like another human do. We must remember this fact despite all the advantages of technology.


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