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Reasons for travelling (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that reasons why people travel have been the subject of much recent discussion. I am therefore currently working on an important project to find out why young people in Zetland travel. I have found some valuable statistics for my project in a table to help give my opinion on the subject.

As can be seen from the diagram, the majority of the respondents mentioned leisure as their reason to travel, making it most popular with young people. Leisure (31. 9%) is very closely followed by education (31. 5%), which is also liked by more than a third of responders. Another key feature is that only 1. 3% of the surveyed people reported meeting new people as their reason to travel, putting it at the bottom of the table.

The table also shows that exploring new cultures, preferred by 23.

5% of respondents, is three times less popular than the two leading reasons.

The statistics point to an underlying problem. As meeting new people is the least preferred reason to travel, it is clear that travellers don’t bother themselves about the language of the visiting country. That’s why they can face problems with understanding. If travellers visit the country with its own language, they should make sure to know at least some basic phrases so they won’t have problems with native speakers.

As for the role of travel in our lives, I believe that it helps you boost your confidence and your well-being mood and also enables you to move over hard times that appear in your life.


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