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Reality show is one of the best TV shows (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people spend a lot of time in front of TV screens watching soap operas, films, news reports, sports games or reality shows. Some people think that reality shows are the most interesting ones among other TV programmes, while others are of the opposite opinion.

To my mind, reality shows are real waste of time. To start with, most of the reality shows usually are played by actors. This means that they are based on sceneries. Moreover, many reality shows usually present to viewers interesting moments of lives of other people. This gives viewers a feeling of peeping after them. People may copy behaviour of show participants in own real lives.

However, there are some people with the opposite opinion. They claim that reality shows may be useful, for example the survival shows.

Show characters are brought to remote places with harsh conditions. There, in wild life, they ought to build shelters, find and cook a food. As a result, viewers can obtain life experience of some kind.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. People may become addicted to reality shows when they do not have enough excitement and joy in real lives. Watching too much reality shows can cause serious psychological and communication problems. Also they can get in trouble by resembling themselves with the show participants.

To sum up, although reality shows may seem a great way to spend free time, I strongly believe that they do not have many benefits. It is better to read a book or have a talk with parents for getting a useful advice. Anyway, it is up to a person which kind of leisure activity to choose from.


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