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Reading comic books helps children improve their knowledge (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, reading is becoming less popular. People prefer watching films, listening to music, playing videogames or surfing the internet. One of the best examples of books’ disappearing is comics. Children prefer watching colorful pictures more than reading. Some people think that comics make kids more intelligent. However, others think differently.

In my opinion, children should read real books. Firstly, comic books have nothing benefit. Reading them is just a waste of time. I think comics are the same thing as cartoons. They can entertain children but not teach them. Secondly, it is obvious that the more kids read funnies the sillier they would become. If they used to have fun all the time, they will become uneducable.

Nevertheless, there is an opposite point of view on the question. Some people consider that comics can improve kids’ knowledge. They say that comic books have many examples which children can apply in their life.

As for me, I do not agree with the opinion above. I think that there is more harm than benefit in comics. Kids are prone to imitate negative heroes. They are too small to distinguish good and evil.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is up to you to choose a comic book for your children or not. But I still believe that they cannot improve their knowledge.


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