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Robots will soon replace people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is generally suggested that the inventions of technological progress will be able to perform different types of work instead of humankind in the nearest future. However, a big number of analytical scientists support the opposite point of view.

To my mind artificial intelligence will replace a significant number of professions because nowadays human is becoming more intellectually skilled, therefore one is ready to solve more complicated life requests. In addition, referring to lack of time in modern society, a person needs a helper, who could do simple job – household duties, driving a car. Moreover, today’s population exceeds available job vacancies, consequently people will receive saved finances by robots.

Nevertheless, some analytical scientists claim that still some jobs need human control, for instance psychology, acting, owing to artificial intelligence disability to feel and be sensitive.

esides, if robots replace existing human professions, then people will truly forget what it is like to interact with each other.

Personally, I can’t fully agree with the scientists’ opinion as the technological progress doesn’t stand still and for now robots can be emotional to some extent.

Adding to it, technological inventions will just take simple-doing job sphere, people will certainly communicate with each other.

To sum up, I’m convinced that robots will replace people in high professions’ number due to developing human mindset, free finances issue, even though the artificial intelligence isn’t fully capable of feeling human emotions.

Words: 234


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