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Reading is no longer the main source of information (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world the issue of the role of reading is highly debatable. Many people think that reading is the key way of getting information, but others have the opposing opinion.

Personally, I strongly believe that the essential source of knowledges is not reading. Firstly, nowadays people have more comfortable ways to gain any information. For example, there are lots of videos, podcasts, TV-programs which allow to know necessary information in a more convenient format. Secondly, obtaining information through reading requires more time than, for insurance, getting information in the Internet. It is really important aspect for people because time is the most needed resource, and each person is interested in getting information in a quick way.

However, there are also some people who claim that reading is the vital method of receiving any information.

In our time reading is an only source of reliable knowledge which people can trust, on the contrary, information in the Internet or in other sources.

Nevertheless, I disagree with the opposing opinion. In the age of technology, there are lots of other modes with more actual information that people can trust, such us independent mass-media, youtube-channels, and bloggers. These sources generally are interested in providing people with accurate information.

In conclusion, despite different opinions on this question, I would like to state again that modern technologies change habitual way of learning, therefore, reading no more the primary source of knowledge.


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