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Письмо с вопросами про trip, эссе Young people like travelling more than senior citizens (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Young people like travelling more than senior citizens.

Some people think that youngsters enjoy travelling more than adults. Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. Some people consider that senior citizens like travelling more than juveniles.

In my opinion, young people like travelling more than senior citizens. Firstly, travelling for juveniles is kind of entertainment, they do not have a lot of important responsibilities like children or work ,they can travel with enjoyment. Secondly, they can do all activities, even risky because they healthy and young, they are not afraid of nothing.

However, many people believe that adults enjoy travelling more than youngsters. Almost all senior citizens work and receive the salary, they have a lot of own money and can afford all what they want during travel time, while young people have limited money because they do not work and receive money only from parents.

People think that money is the most important part for enjoyment of travelling.

I cannot agree with the above mentioned opinion. I think that there are a lot of youngsters who have after-school job or part-time job. They can receive enough money for travelling without the help of their parents. They enjoy travelling because youngsters like spending money during travel time more than senior citizens.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that young people enjoy travelling more than adults.

(Name ot city)



Dear John ,

Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again!

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So, what about your trip? Where you are going to ride in this trip? Will it be a trip with friends? Where will you live during this trip? Take care and keep in touch!

Best wishes,



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