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Письмо. I really like soap operas. What about you? What forms of entertainment do you like? What's your favourite form of entertainment? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


15 Narvskaya Street



7 December 2017

Dear Lucy,

Sorry, I haven't written to you for so long. I was quite busy at school.

In your last letter you asked me about my favorite kinds of entertainment. These days I got keen on reading books. I've read two books last week and now I feel like a complete book maniac. To my mind, reading is the best form of entertainment as it's really calming and relaxing hobby, nevertheless it's very exciting.

Also, I enjoy different performances like musicals and plays. They always allow me to experience unusual situations.

By the way, I've heard that you're going to act at the play too! It's an absolutely amazing process, so I hope you'll have fun! What's that play about? When will it be staged? Will your classmates act in it too? Anyway, good luck.

Well, that's all for now. I need to help my mother with cooking the dinner.

Please, write me back.

With love,



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