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The text of A.Laptev raises the problem of true friendship. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The text of A.Laptev raises the problem of true friendship.

Reasoning is based on a concrete case from life, when in childhood the boys "became brothers by blood." For one of them, this was a match for a game, for another it was a symbol of true male friendship. With regret, the author tells that one of his friends forgot about his oath, betrayed his friend in a difficult moment.

A.Laptev is sure that true man's friendship is not peculiar to all people: someone will be faithful to a friend until his last breath, and someone will quickly forget about the oath and obligations.

I share the author's point of view: true friendship is not peculiar to every person.

I remember the heroes of the story "The Gray-haired" Yuri Korotkov Oleg and Alexander.

The guys "did not fight with blood", but in the army there were mountains for each other. When they hit the snow storm, already freezing, Alexander with the last effort of will crawled to Oleg and covered him with his body. Oleg survived, but from that time he felt that he must live now for two.

In the story of N. Tatarintseva tells of real friends. When the entire class decides to escape from the chemistry lesson, Petr Vasiliev will remain in the class because he does not want to worry once more about the mother who recently suffered a heart attack. His friend Igor Ereeev immediately understands the cause of Peter's deed and remains with him. Here they are, real friends!

Thus, I can conclude that true friendship is bestowed only on those people who must be selflessly faithful to each other.

The text of A.Laptev raises the problem of true friendship.

Reasoning is based on a concrete case from life, when in childhood the boys "became brothers by blood." For one of them, this was a match for a game, for another it was a symbol of true male friendship. With regret, the author tells that one of his friends forgot about his oath, betrayed his friend in a difficult moment.

A.Laptev is sure that true man's friendship is not peculiar to all people: someone will be faithful to a friend until his last breath, and someone will quickly forget about the oath and obligations.

I share the author's point of view: true friendship is not peculiar to every person.

I remember the heroes of the story "The Gray-haired" Yuri Korotkov Oleg and Alexander. The guys "did not fight with blood", but in the army there were mountains for each other. When they hit the snow storm, already freezing, Alexander with the last effort of will crawled to Oleg and covered him with his body. Oleg survived, but from that time he felt that he must live now for two.

In the story of N. Tatarintseva tells of real friends. When the entire class decides to escape from the chemistry lesson, Petr Vasiliev will remain in the class because he does not want to worry once more about the mother who recently suffered a heart attack. His friend Igor Ereeev immediately understands the cause of Peter's deed and remains with him. Here they are, real friends!

Thus, I can conclude that true friendship is bestowed only on those people who must be selflessly faithful to each other.


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