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the problem of extreme sport / the problem of true friends (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Nowadays, the problem of extreme sport is very pronounced. Some people believe that extreme sports help to build character while others think that extreme sports are very dangerous and pointless.

In my personal opinion, extreme sports are very dangerous and pointless. To start with, I would like to say that people who involved in extreme sports put their lives in danger. Furthermore, in order to engage in extreme sports, people should have much money because extreme sports are a very expensive pleasure.

However, many people think that extreme sports help to build character. They consider that hard trials and endless attempts to master any sport help people to develop endurance and willpower.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough.

Extreme sports do not build the character on the contrary it can break a person’s life, leave him crippled forever because extreme sports is very dangerous and it may cause an accident.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of extreme sports is still to be discussed.

ut for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that extreme sports are very dangerous and pointless.


Nowadays, the problem of true friends is very pronounced. Some people believe that person can have only one true friend while others think it is a false and person can have two or more true friends.

In my personal opinion, every person can have only one true friend. To start with, I would like to say that if you need to share your problems, you can only tell one friend otherwise, many people will learn your secret. Furthermore, every person should have only one true friend because two people will never betray each other and will always trust each other more.

However, many people think that person can have two or more true friends. They consider that person grows up and makes new friends and some of them can become really true friends.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. You can truly become true friends only in childhood and then remain friends for life. People who come into your life when you are already an adult cannot become real friends.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of true friends is still to be discussed.

ut for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that every person can have only one true friend.


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