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Writer Albert Likhanov in the text raises a very important, in my opinion, problem. The problem of charity. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Writer Albert Likhanov in the text raises a very important, in my opinion, problem. The problem of charity.

The author with a sense of respect and reverence narrates about the disinterested deeds of a military hospital guardian who was not asked to bypass the hospital wards in the evenings and take care of the sick without demanding anything in return. In the mouth of an illiterate woman, the author puts holy words about the fact that good on earth "will be destroyed" if "people for all friend and friend pay" will.

Albert Likhanov, talking about an old woman, who was not a nurse or a nurse, speaks about all wives and mothers who would have acted in her place in the same way: caring for relatives doubles the charity inherent in the wife and mother.

I share the author's point of view.

On the place of Aunt Gruni and I, without hesitation, would do the same. Good without self-interest is the sacred duty of every woman.

I remember the bright and tragic fate of the "sister of mercy of the 19th century", Baroness Julia Petrovna Vrevskaya. During the Russo-Turkish war, with money earned from the sale of the estate, she equips a sanitary unit. Baronnese becomes an ordinary sister of mercy, performs the most difficult and dirty work. Explaining to her actions contemporaries found one thing: the charity that lived in the soul of this woman.

In the novel by MA Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" it is said that charity often knocks on human hearts. The main heroine of the book Margarita unselfishly begs Woland to pardon the unfortunate Frida, and does not ask about the fate of the Master, although only for this sake she sacrificed herself.

Thus, it can be concluded that charity is what holds our world. Do not be disinterested, according to A. Likhanov, our world would turn into a huge store. I remember the bright and tragic fate of the "sister of mercy of the 19th century", Baroness Julia Petrovna Vrevskaya. During the Russo-Turkish war, with money earned from the sale of the estate, she equips a sanitary unit. Baronnese becomes an ordinary sister of mercy, performs the most difficult and dirty work.


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