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Speaking для ОГЭ по английскому тема: Eating habits (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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I want to talk about eating habits in my country.

In my country people eat three times in day. Many people on breakfast eat porridge or eggs, for lunch soap and salad and for dinner meat course. Also in Russia there are many traditional dishes such as borscht or pancakes. In Russia they usually drink fruit drink or compote for lunch. The whole family gathers for dinner and spend time together, eat delicious food.

Some people have a healthy diet. They are track calories and eat healthy food, for example vegetables, fruits, cereal flakes, cottage cheese. People who have diets keep track of the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. I also watch my health and figure, so I stick to a diet, because proper nutrition is the key to success.

I prefer eating at home, because homemade food tastes better for me and so I can spend time with my family.

I really like the food that my mom prepares and then we all eat together, it creates a very pleasant feeling. Every week my mom, dad, me and my sister make a cake, cakes or cookies.

On special occasions I eat food that I don't eat every day. For example for birthday I eat cake. Also for the New Year we prepare a large table with food there red fish, chicken, a lot of salads. When I go to a restaurant, I always order salmon, because this fish needs to be cooked correctly, which professional chefs do very well.

One of my hobbies is cooking. Every day I try to cook something delicious, especially what my family and I like. I usually cook some kind of everyday food and cakes. I like cooking cakes the most, because it is very interesting and also delicious. For my cakes, I find recipes on the Internet, in books, and sometimes my grandmother tells me them. When the cake is ready, I decorate it beautifully with pastry sprinkles, special edible flowers and cream. Everyone who tried my cakes liked them, because I cooked them with love.

In conclusion, I can say that in Russia everyone can choose the type of food that he likes. As well as Russian cuisine is very diverse and everyone will find something that he likes. I want to talk about eating habits in my country.

In my country people eat three times in day. Many people on breakfast eat porridge or eggs, for lunch soap and salad and for dinner meat course. Also in Russia there are many traditional dishes such as borscht or pancakes.

Some people have a healthy diet. They are track calories and eat healthy food, for example vegetables, fruits, cereal flakes, cottage cheese. People who have diets keep track of the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. I also watch my health and figure, so I stick to a diet, because proper nutrition is the key to success.

I prefer eating at home, because homemade food tastes better for me and so I can spend time with my family. I really like the food that my mom prepares and then we all eat together, it creates a very pleasant feeling. Every week my mom, dad, me and my sister make a cake, cakes or cookies.

On special occasions I eat food that I don't eat every day. For example for birthday I eat cake. Also for the New Year we prepare a large table with food there red fish, chicken, a lot of salads. When I go to a restaurant, I always order salmon, because this fish needs to be cooked correctly, which professional chefs do very well.

One of my hobbies is cooking. Every day I try to cook something delicious, especially what my family and I like. I usually cook some kind of everyday food and cakes. I like cooking cakes the most, because it is very interesting and also delicious. For my cakes, I find recipes on the Internet, in books, and sometimes my grandmother tells me them. When the cake is ready, I decorate it beautifully with pastry sprinkles, special edible flowers and cream. Everyone who tried my cakes liked them, because I cooked them with love.

In conclusion, I can say that in Russia everyone can choose the type of food that he likes. As well as Russian cuisine is very diverse and everyone will find something that he likes.

Оценка эксперта:

In my country people eat three times in day.

a day

I prefer eating at home, because homemade food tastes better for me and so I can spend time with my family.

and можно убрать

me and my sister make a cake

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