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TOPIC: BOOKS. READING / Высказывания ОГЭ по английскому задание 2, задание 3 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Introduction: Reading is a magic key that opens all the doors. It is almost impossible to imagine our world without books. They accompany us in our way through life.

– Is reading still popular with teenagers? Why?

In my opinion, reading is still popular with teenagers. Firstly, everyone wants to show that he or she is broad minded and books help to absorb information from various spheres of human knowledge. Moreover, reading helps teenagers to get rid of stress.

– What kinds of books do you like to read?

As for me, I adore antiutopias and detective stories.

Historical novels are also favourites for me. But every book can be attractive if it has an exciting plot and vivid, true-to-life characters.

– Why do many people prefer e-books to paper books?

Nowadays e-books are becoming more and more popular. People prefer them to paper books because it is possible to download several works on one device, having a whole library at hand. What is more, they are light to carry in the pocket owing to their small size.

– What king of books do modern teenagers prefer reading?

In my opinion, the most popular kinds of books for teenagers nowadays are romantic novels and fantasy stories. They reflect problems which an ordinary teenager has. Moreover, many of them are written especially for teenagers and are easy to understand for them.

– Are libraries necessary or not?

As for me, in our modern world libraries are unnecessary. Nowadays e-books are becoming more and more popular. People prefer them to paper books because it is possible to download several works on one device, having a whole library at hand.

– What book have you read recently? What was it about?

The book I’ve read recently is titled ‘All the Kremlin’s men’ and written by Michael Zygar. This book is about the current president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The author possesses good skills with language as all the complex political processes are described easily. That’s why I have read it from cover to cover.

Conclusion: All in all, it depends on people what books to read. But it is my firm belief that reading will be popular at any time.


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