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«Extreme sport», экстремальный спорт (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Today, the problem of extreme sports is actively discussed in society. Some people think it's useful.

ut others think it's life-threatening. Who is right?

In my opinion, extreme sports are interesting and useful.

To begin with, any extreme sport requires physical training. And as a result of such sports, there will be good physical development, as well as maintaining the body in shape. You will also learn to feel your own body much better.

Moreover, during extreme sports, you will get rid of the negative, and if you get into a pleasant, fun company, you will receive a constant charge of positive emotions. Sports will help you get away from all the worries and worries.

In addition to this, many extreme sports involve trips to the fresh air or spending time in nature.

This is a huge plus for those who have stayed too long in a stuffy city. It is good for the heart and respiratory system.

However, there is another point of view on this issue.

First of all, extreme sports are life-threatening. The most dangerous is deservedly considered base-jumping, where about 1 in 30 athletes die.

Furthermore, there is a high cost of equipment. You will have to spend a lot of money on professional equipment and related products. And they are not cheap.

ut you can't save money here either: your life and safety will depend on this equipment.

Despite my respect to this opinion, I cannot share it because there are constant changes in life here. For example, new people, new mountains, new locations, and of course adventures.

esides, the bar of their own capabilities rises much higher than the usual level. You will know for sure that almost nothing is impossible. Just make enough effort and the result will not take long to wait. This confidence is transferred from the sphere of sports to ordinary life.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of extreme sport is still discussed. I believe that taking risks, you will get many unforgettable emotions. Yet it is still a personal choice.


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