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TOPIC: FREE TIME. HOBBIES / Высказывания задание 2, задание 3 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Introduction: There are a lot of ways to spend leisure time. Many people have hobbies and they devote their spare time to their favourite occupation. Hobbies differ like tastes.

– Do you have a lot of free time? Why?

As for me, I don’t have much free time as I’m very busy at school. But I always have weekends and holidays to get rest and these says I have a lot of free time.

– What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

– I am fond of playing the guitar.

It helps me to relax after a hard day. Furthermore, I am also keen on oriental dancing and I dance a lot.

– What are your Sunday afternoons like?

Sunday is a day when I have a lot of free time. I devote it mainly to reading. On this day my leisure time can be also occupied by shopping, watching films of walking.

– Why do most people have hobbies?

Many people devote their spare time to hobbies. People take up hobbies because, firstly, they helps them to distract from their problems. Secondly, they want to spend their leisure time usefully.

– What hobbies are the most popular with your friends? Why?

Almost all my friends are fond of collecting something. It’s always fascinating because every piece of collection has its own story. Moreover, you can compare and exchange subjects of collection and learn more about them this way.

– In what way a hobby can be useful for educational purposes?

No matter what kind of hobby a person has he or she always has an opportunity to learn from it. Reading about things you are interested at expands your knowledge. Learning something new is probably the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

Conclusion: All in all, free time should be a refreshment. Hobby is one of the ways of getting rid of negative emotions. Tasted differ and different people take up different hobbies.


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