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TOPIC: LEARNING ENGLISH. FOREIGN LANGUAGES / Высказывания ОГЭ задание 2, задание 3 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Introduction: The problem of learning foreign languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded in all spheres nowadays.

– Is it necessary to speak English nowadays? Why?

Nowadays it is definitely necessary to speak English. English is a world language: it is the language of progressive science and technology, trade and culture. Moreover, thousands of books, magazines and newspapers are written in English.

– What do you do to improve your English?

Personally I try to do a lot to improve my English. I read stories, texts, articles and discuss them with my classmates.

In addition, I write compositions and letters. I also do a lot of grammar exercises and learn grammar rules.

– What other languages would you like to learn? Why?

As for me, I’d like to learn the Japanese language as I am fond of travelling and I want to go to Japan and to be able to communicate with native speakers there. Furthermore, I adore the Japanese literature and I want to read books in original.

– Why do lots of people learn foreign languages?

There are several reasons why more and more people learn foreign languages. Firstly, they want to be well-educated to enter a good university and to find a well-paid job. Secondly, nowadays many people adore travelling and they want to understand people who live in the country they visit.

– Why have you chosen English as an exam?

The main reason why I have chosen English as an exam this year is the fact that it is necessary for my future job. In addition, I want to test my abilities. Furthermore, I’ve been studying English for nine years and I think I’m good at it.

Conclusion: All in all, it depends on people whether to learn foreign languages or not. But it is my firm believe that foreign languages provide many good opportunities.


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