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Вопросы по гендерным особенностям (Английский язык) + мнение о видео (Сочинение на свободную тему)

1) What psychological features of men and women can you identify, and how strongly do they affect gender differences and social perceptions of gender roles?

2) Who, men or women, has the best cognitive abilities and opportunities for successful self-realization in their studies and careers?

3) Who is more likely to experience depression, and what might be the reason?

4) How does the self-esteem of boys and girls change in different periods of life, are there gender differences in the adequacy and strength of self-esteem?

5) How do men and women perceive their gender roles, do people think progressively or conservatively?

6) Why is there a need for equality in society, namely: equal work, career opportunities, and the absence of social censure and punishment due to gender differences?

7) What are male and female interests connected with, and how do they influence the choice of a profession and the future life of a person?

8) How strongly do social stereotypes and cultural norms in society affect various sex groups?

9) How does human gender affect physical characteristics, personality, cognition, behavior and leadership?

10) Why is individuality more important than conditionally accepted gender norms in society?

When I watched the video, I had conflicting feelings. We are shown fragments of a woman’s life - from birth to death. And the main topic of this video is the idea of the importance and necessity of human relations. Our life is a series of emotions - joy, grief, excitement, admiration, resentment from betrayal, calmness from fidelity, a sense of motherhood, a sense of loss. This happens day after day. And this is somewhat sad. You are observing and thinking: is this all we were born to do? However, when you stop observing from the sidelines and start being a direct participant in events, then all the unnecessary questions go away, and you just really want to live.

This is a good video, because it reminds you of the transience of life and the importance of being close to really close people.

And also about how one generation invariably replaces another. And the best thing we can give to future generations is our concern.


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