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Cars should be banned in the center of big cities + письмо с вопросами про фильм (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Cars should be banned in the center of big cities.

Some people think that cars must be prohibited in the center of large cities. Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. These people consider that cars should not be forbidden in the center of big cities.

In my opinion, cars should be banned in the center of large cities. Firstly, cars are very dangerous for walking people and usually, people walk exactly in the center of cities. Cars can disturb people their loud music, wastes and just their riding. Secondly, there are a lot of cars exactly in the center of cities. Cars can interfere with other cars to ride and it can lead to accidents which can be even fatal.

However, many people believe that cars should not be prohibited in the center of big cities.

They consider that there a lot of taxi among other cars and taxi cars are really convenient for people because some of them use it very often.

I cannot agree with the above mentioned opinion. I think that people should use a public transport, which is allowed in the center of big cities, because it is better for environment. Taxi in the center of cities is very interfering. Other cars cannot ride sometimes because of big amount taxi.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that cars in the center of big cities should be forbidden because they are really bad for people and environment.

Name of city



Dear Christian ,

Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again!

In your letter you asked me about job. My mother is businesswoman, my father is unemployed. I would like to have a job as a English teacher or tutor because I want to be useful for children. I think that I need a good education and a lot of social experience for this kind of job.

So, what about film? What is the name of this film? What’s the genre of film? Is it a new film or old ones? Take care and keep in touch!

Best wishes,



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