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Nowadays children watch too much TV (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

More and more people are debating about the save amount of time for children to watch TV. Some people believe that children should not be limited in watching TV. Others suppose that TV affects teenagers’ mind.

Personally, I hold to the opinion that children should not watch TV too much. First and foremost, children fill their minds with useful TV shows like “Comedy club” or «The tonight show with currency”. Afterwards, they start behaving like TV characters and lose their uniqueness. Secondly, watching tv children waste the time they could spend on reading or playing with their friends. Finally, there are a lot of diseases like eye problems caused by watching TV.

However, others think that children can watch TV as much as they want to because of many developing programs that improve children’ knowledge of the history, physics or biology.

In addition, they suppose that TV can be used as a babysitter because if a parent leaves his child in front of TV, he will not be disturbed.

I do not agree with this opinion. Firstly, most of useful programs are not shown in prime time. They can be watched only after 11 pm. Besides, TV is one of the worst babysitters because through the fault of it children become addicted to TV. Moreover, they do not communicate with their parents.

To sum up, there are two disputing views on a problem of choosing the time children can watch TV with no harm for their health. I am totally convinced that children should not watch TV too much.



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