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Nowadays children watch too much TV 247 слов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is one very profound statement which says that modern kids devote too much time to TV. Many people agree with it, but the opponents believe that children are not particularly interested in television nowadays. It causes wide controversy. Let us examine each point of view in detail.

I agree with the second statement. To begin with, modern parents are aware of negative impact of TV. Mums and Dads know that watching it for a long time can spoil children’s eyes, so in most of families this activity is limited in time to minimize possible harmful effects. Also, kids are more interested in the Internet nowadays. It gives them free access to a great number of entertainments at any time. So there is no wonder that modern children are less interested in TV, as it cannot provide with many ways of amusement.

However, some people have a different opinion.

They claim that young people spend a lot of time watching TV which leads to serious health problems like obesity and poor eyesight.

I disagree with this opinion. Television is not the main reason for such diseases. Sedentary lifestyle is. All you have to do to avoid these problems is to play sports and to do simple exercises. As for TV, you can watch as much as you want.

In conclusion I want to stress again that the Internet gives more ways of entertainment than any other media. I believe that it will displace TV in the future.


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