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The circus is the best entertainment for children nowadays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about children’s entertainment. Some people strongly believe that circus is the best way to spend time with children. Others have the opposite opinion.

From my point of view, circuses are not the best entertainment, it is miserable for animals of the circus. Firstly, physical strength is applied to animals when they are trained. For example, animals become more intimated. Secondly, long trips have a negative impact on them. For instance, the animals get tired, do not sleep and are undernourished.

However, other people believe that circuses are amazing shows. It looks fantastic from the audience. Moreover, lighting effects, tricks, costumes, performances, the atmosphere are all very fascinating.

Nonetheless I cannot agree with them because the same lighting effects, tricks, costumes have a negative impact on animals.

Also, animals are undernourished and die from fatigue, hunger and physical abuse. There are many other way to spend time with children. For example, parents can go to the cinema, theater or go for a walk with their children.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I am completely convinced that the circus is not the best entertainment for children, there are many other interesting thing in our lives.

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about children’s entertainment. Some people strongly believe that circus is the best way to spend time with children. Others have the opposite opinion.

From my point of view, circuses are not the best entertainment, it is miserable for animals of the circus. Firstly, physical strength is applied to animals when they are trained. For example, animals become more intimated. Secondly, long trips have a negative impact on them. For instance, the animals get tired, do not sleep and are undernourished.

However, other people believe that circuses are amazing shows. It looks fantastic from the audience. Moreover, lighting effects, tricks, costumes, performances, the atmosphere are all very fascinating.

Nonetheless I cannot agree with them because the same lighting effects, tricks, costumes have a negative impact on animals. Also, animals are undernourished and die from fatigue, hunger and physical abuse. There are many other way to spend time with children. For example, parents can go to the cinema, theater or go for a walk with their children.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I am completely convinced that the circus is not the best entertainment for children, there are many other interesting thing in our lives.


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