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A person who is fluent in a foreign language can work as an interpreter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Without any doubt, interpreters are highly valuable people. Some people think that a flawless knowledge of a language is enough to have this profession. However, not all people arrive at a common opinion.

As far as I am concerned, interpreters should have some more skills in addition to a superior knowledge of a foreign language. First and foremost, a promising interpreter should be able to build up interpersonal relationships, as this job is directly linked with communication. Secondly, it is highly important for an interpreter to be accurate and quick, since a high-end professional in this field should be able to transmit information as rapid as possible without making mistakes.

However, there are people who consider this issue from another angle. According to them, an outstanding knowledge of a foreign language is the only significant skill required for an interpreter.

The main reason for such an opinion is that the most important mastery for a linguist is the ability to convey what a non-native speaker is trying to get across without referring to the dictionary.

Nevertheless, I still incline to the opinion that there are a lot of irreplaceable skills apart from a proficient level of a foreign language needed for an interpreter. Such kind of job requires having a strong grasp on cultural norms of the language a person interprets for.

All in all, despite the ambiguity of this issue, I firmly believe that an interpreter should possess a number of valuable skills and traits in addition to a fluent knowledge of a foreign language. One needs to be communicative, accurate, speedy and culturally-literate.


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