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Classical literature is superior to madern literature (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people assume that traditional novels and poems outshine current books. However, others believe that literary pieces which are being written nowadays are better than classics.

Personally I believe that conteporary literature does not surpass traditional poetry and prose. The first point to bear in mind is that classics are known through generations so they are good anywayunlike modern literature. Secondly, traditional literary pieces have a poetic language so it is a good opportunity to improve language skills and learn new words. Finally, classical literature is usually more complicated and harder to understand, so getting the point of them may give an advantageover the piers.

However, some people disagree with me and claim that literary pieces which are being written nowadays outshine classical literature.

They think that because of the modernity of conteporary books they describe situations that could take place today. In addition, modern books are written in a simpler way so they are easier to understand.

Having concidered with the opposite point of view, I am still conviced that modern literature is inferior to classic prose and poetry. Current books are usually popular only for a decade and everyone forgets about them fastly, so situations which are described in conteporary literature pieces bacome irrelevant.Secondly, the basic benefit of reading books is that they broad our mind, and "easy to uderstand" modern books are not such thought provoking as classical literature.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing points of view on the problem stated above. I believe that classic literature is more beneficial than conteporary literature.


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