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Classical literature (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that it is not good to study at school classical literature only. They are sure that modern authors should be included into the school programme.

Personally, I believe that not only classical literature should be taught in schools. To begin with, many of the books which are now read in school are written for an adult reader, not a child. Many teenagers are not yet mature enough for complicated books. They refuse to read them and come up with various methods to shorten the story or not read it at all. They increasingly dislike books and become completely uninterested in them. Of course, in this case, they should read at least simple books, the plot of which is interesting for them and the language is clear.

However, we should not forget that Classical

ussian literature &񗥂 is a collection of psychological types, it teaches philosophy and develops empathy "for a variety of people, stories, and destinies.

" It seems to me that this is a certain stage of growing up-the ability to understand the diversity of the world, the attempt to understand others.

Of course, it is good if a person likes to read and can already understand the plot of complex works correctly in adolescence.

ut if this is not the case, then he needs to start at least with something. Let him start by reading simple works of his favorite authors, and then after he has been drawn into the process of reading, then you can start reading

ussian classics, which are still necessary.

Classical works really teach us about life and show us the whole culture of our country. That is why it does not matter when, but such works should be read by everyone, because it is not for nothing that they are called classics.


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