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Expand on the type of literature that has had an impact on you (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Needless to say, literature gives us enormous, vast and deep social, historical and cultural experience. It makes a person intelligent, develops in him/her not only a feeling of real beauty but and an understanding of life with all its twists and flaws. In fact, I have been influenced the most by the epic novel genre due to the next reasons.

Firstly, this kind of books give a deep insight into the whole age, serves as a guide to various historical epochs, opens the hearts of other people. For instance, “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo led me to realize how close

ussian and French nations are, both natural and cultural. I managed to understand what do real self-sacrifice and true love mean, recognize that a person should value each second spent with his/her loved ones like this is the last time you are together.

Secondly, proponents of this genre through pages of their masterpieces helped me get acquittanced with the eternal values not only each human but the whole society should stick to on our journey on the Earth. Thus, the brilliant “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, being significantly thought-provoking, made me start reasoning on the problems of courage, friendship, fidelity, about moral issues humans have to come across daily. Given experience, insights of what is worthy of a man like a particularly good handbook guided me to grow a better version of myself.

In a nutshell, both the extensive subject matter of the writing and presenting age-old but still meaningful themes allowed the genre of the epic novel makes the most progressive impact on my identity. And I am sure that each person thoroughly reading such books will feel positive changes in him/her if recognize the influence of key elements of the epic novel.


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