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The nature (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I wanna say some words about the nature. It is the best place for people and for animals. Some centuries ago people love and respect the nature. They did not take as much resourses us they do nowadays. It is very sad, becouse the nature is not just some animals and plants. It is huge massive of organic mass. Some people can not understand the importance of it. They continue to get resourses, kill animals and do other stuffs like this. It is not good not only for the nature, but for a human too. The reason why is becouse a human depend from the nature. Will be a human alive without water,food,clouds? That is question which should be considerable by people.

Sometimes the nature is not good for people. It is a fact. The are a lot of dangerous places around us, which is the nature. Volcanoes and other places are too dangerous. The history of people is not lasting us much time us the nature time. It means that the nature will live after us. A human can ruin the own planet right now becouse the level of progress is so high. It is enough to ruin the Earth. Nuclear weapon is too dangerous for our planet.

Some bad things are already done. I am talking about Chermobol. It happend several decades ago, but our planet still remeber сonsequent of it, which is very sad for our planet and the nature overall. The are a lot of such events in the history of our planet, what is very sad.

Sometimes the one events kill the civilisation at all. Several millions years ago the meteor falles down on our planet. It is totally kill almost all dinosaurs on the planet. And it is why is too dangerous to live on our planet. The conclusion is to be peasfull and to live with the natury in harmony together.


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