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Exams should motivate students study harder (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Students pay more attention to studies when they have to pass the exams. Some people think that the exams are necessary to pass because they show every single student's knowledge of the subject. Others consider these exams unnecessary, saying that these tasks can be easily memorized and their surrender is just a formality.

I agree with the opinion that these exams may be helpful because they encourage most of the students to study harder. First of all, teenagers understand that they will not pass the exams without thorough preparation.

By learning material at school, they memorize the process of solving certain tasks and it becomes easier for them to recall the solution of similar tasks on the exam. It is a good way of stimulating students to study better and not skip classes.

Second of all, teenagers have a lot less time to procrastinate sitting at home at the weekends. Most of the students keep in mind that they should prepare for the exams and not just watch TV shows doing nothing the whole day. High school students, preparing for exams, repeat the material of the school curriculum, thereby recalling the passed tasks and improving their grades at school.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. Some people are sure that the final exams are completely useless. They say that these tests can not show the real level of students’ knowledge as the tasks are similar to each other, according to which the solution strategy can be memorized. These exams leave no time for pupils to prepare for the rest of school’s necessary subjectst which you will not face on finals. These people also say that the tests are only made to stress out young people and they leav no one a choice but to study all day long.

I can not agree with this opinion completely because I think that the Ministry of Education would have declined the final exams if they had been considered useless. Every University has its own requirements and one of them is passing the necessary tests. They are made to choose the most suitable people for a certain profession, not to make feel one’s stressed. Actually, all the information included in these tests display the whole material learned over the years that a person goes through at school.

y the way, finals include the “C” part where you must give detailed answer — that is the way to show both your creativity and knowledge.

According to the arguments presented above, I can note that I am completely sure that exams are necessary: they encourage students to study better, to repeat the information given in the lessons and schedule their free time properly.


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