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Some people think that extreme sports help to build character (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that extreme sports are quite popular nowadays. Some people believe that risky sports are useful in building character, while others claim that they do not affect on character at all. In my opinion, these kinds of sports can be beneficial for developing psychologically. Firstly, doing any kinds of sports people have to do regular exercises and eat only healthy food in order to keep fit. This lifestyle make them more disciplined and improve their willpower. Secondly, extreme sports imply taking a lot of risks so sportsmen must learn to confront their fears. Finally, any kind of sports contains exhausting workouts, which contribute development of persistence and patience. However, some people think that doing extreme sports is rather harmful for health.

In their view, these kinds of sports lead to addiction of taking risks. For example, some parents believe that after doing risky sports their children will take their lives to extremes. They are also afraid of high possibility of injury. Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that extreme sports help people to find new friends with the same interests. As for me, it does not look similar to any other addiction. In addition, modern improvements in equipment allow the reduction in risk; that is why risky sports are quite safe now. To conclude, I agree with the opinion that extreme help to build character. It could help to develop persistence, confidence, patience and willpower. Thanks for reading.


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