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Disrespectful attitude to their health is the problem over which V.A. Soloukhin. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Disrespectful attitude to their health is the problem over which V.A. Soloukhin.

The author painfully talks about how careless people are about their health. One allows himself to "drag on a pleasant smoke cigarettes, sitting down in front of the TV", instead of skiing, the other does not consider physical culture a powerful means of strengthening the body, the third leads an immoral lifestyle that undermines health. All of them forget that "the main wealth of the country is the health of people living in it."

The author's position is clear: careless about their health, people harm not only themselves but also their relatives and the state.

I completely agree with the opinion of VA.

Soloukhin. Disrespect for your health is the fate of people who are uncultured and selfish.

A vivid example of how one can not treat one's health is the way of life of the main hero of the novel "Oblomov" IA. Goncharova. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lies on the couch all day and dreams, as if all things have become of themselves. The hero is sick! And the name of his illness is absolute inaction and indifference to life. The author clearly describes what Oblomov's laziness has led to: "As vigilantly as every moment of his life guarded by the loving eye of his wife, eternal peace, eternal silence and lazy crawling quietly stopped the car of life day by day."

Recently, on the Internet, on the RIN.ru website, I got acquainted with the result of a sociological survey: "Is it necessary to take care of health at all or treat it indifferently?". The majority of respondents (63%) of the four proposed options answered: "Yes, not only it is necessary, but it is necessary to protect it." Similar results of the survey can not but rejoice!

I draw a conclusion that disrespect for my health harms both the person and his associates. A vivid example of how one can not treat one's health is the way of life of the main hero of the novel "Oblomov" IA. Goncharova. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lies on the couch all day and dreams, as if all things have become of themselves. The hero is sick!


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