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Where do educated people come from? Here is the problem over which SL Lvov reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Where do educated people come from? Here is the problem over which SL Lvov reflects.

The author considers: the basic education a person receives in a friendly family. Parents are for the child an example: from them he learns what is good, what is bad, how to behave in this or that situation. "And in a family where a rude, disrespectful tone prevailed, " SLLyvov believes, an educated person can rarely grow up. Children from such families "learn from their parents" for a long time, they get rid of the trauma of such "upbringing" for years, and sometimes they can not "get rid of their whole life."

The author's position is not difficult to determine: an educated person can grow only in a family where "mutual respect, courtesy and delicacy dominated."

SVLyvov is right: very much depends on the upbringing received in childhood, on what people influenced you, what moral qualities they developed.

This was repeatedly written by Russian publicists and writers.

For example, in the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Peter Grinev follows the rules that he learned from his parents from his childhood. For life he remembered the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from the young." Pushkin's hero - a man brought up, condescending, polite, compliant.

The main heroine of the play is A.N. Ostrovsky "Storm" Katerina, brought up in an atmosphere of love, sincerity, good nature, can not be reconciled with the cruelty of morals, with the hypocrisy, the falsity of the Kabanov family. If at first she tries to be low-key, understanding, then at the end of the drama the heroine challenges the realm of coarse and ill-bred boars and wild ones.

Thus, I can conclude that the educated person is a "product" of a well-bred, polite and delicate family.For example, in the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Peter Grinev follows the rules that he learned from his parents from his childhood. For life he remembered the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from the young." Pushkin's hero - a man brought up, condescending, polite, compliant.


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