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How many families have personal computers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Undoubtedly, gadgets play an important role in our life and nowadays we cannot imagine our life without them. I have found some data about how many families have personal computers. In this project I am going to outline several key features of the results of the poll.

Looking at the details, the high parameter was marked in 2016. It seems that in the modern people utilize computer as an assistant for various purposes from choosing a movie to watch to booking the restaurant. On the contrary, the lowest value was in 1984, about 8 per cent.

The diagram illustrates the difference in more than 25 per cent between 1993 and 2000. This fact can be caused by technical development. Previously, computers were a luxury that most families could not afford. Over time these gadgets were produced in large quantities, therefore, they became cheaper, that allowed households to purchase them.

Nowadays people spend a lot of time on gadgets and become addicted.

This can be deduced as a problem from the data. In order to avoid these troubled, I would suggest that humans find new hobbies. Then more time will be spent on their favorite activity, which will undoubtedly bring more benefits for both physical and mental health.

In conclusion, I would like emphasize that computers occupy an important place in our lives. It is not only the opportunity to stay in touch with the world but also a great way to spend your leisure time. However, sometimes you need to have a digital detox to remain sane.


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