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Families around the world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the past most people lives in small villages, nowadays most people live in large cities. Benefits and drawbacks exist in each ways of living.

First of all, I think, advantages of living in a big community are opportunities to have a private life, a big network of useful contacts. Of course, we know just few people in our area, if we live in a large city, but, I don't consider, that is a disadvantage, because of living in a big community we can to find there every specialist we need.

Disadvantages of living in a big city, I think, are a bigger level of crime, more probability to feel lonely and at the same time to have more stress due to a lof of coomunications with different people.

One of advantages of living in a village is a less level of crime, because everyone knows everyone.

We don't have to control our kids every time and can let them walk and play with other kids outside. The next advantage of this kind of living is an opportunity to find friends faster compared in a large city, because usually there are people more friendly in villages.

However, the disadvantage of living in a small community is a fact that everyone know everything about you, and, for example, you have got divorced, everyone knows about that, and to restart your private life will be more difficult than in a large city.

As for me I can adapt and live everywhere. When I was a little yanger, Iloved to live in a big community, to meet a lot of different people and know more experience of communications. However, now I prefer to live in a small village with a good Internet, because of I don't want to be nervous about my kids and their safety, thats why the advantage such like a less level of criminality became more significant for me. The Internet allows to find neccessary people, to meet them and work from afar.

Everyone chose to each his own. I think, now we live in such reality, when people can change the ways of living as they want easier than in the past and it is a very good time.


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