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Some families have an only child; others choose to have two, three or even more children (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Эссе по теме "Some families have an only child; others choose to have two, three or even more children. " (ЕГЭ английский язык)

To begin with I should say that there are different types of families nowadays. Some people believe that it is more comfortable to have only one child while others think that having more than two children is necessary for all families.

Speaking about me I personally believe that a large family provides happiness to all its members. I am going to present some arguments proving my point of view. Firstly, to my mind, it is better to have brothers and sisters as they can support and help you, play with you. Secondly, from my point of view, many children can help their parents to solve all their problems. Parents will always be able to rely on their children in difficult situations.

However, there are people who take the opposite point of view.

According to their opinion having a one child is better because parents will pay attention, love and care only to him. They also think that some parents do not want to have many children because it is very expensive and difficult.

ut I do not agree with them. A child can become selfish because it is difficult for him to imagine that sometimes it is necessary to refuse their interests, to share them with someone. As sad as it is to admit, parents are not eternal, and once a child will be truly alone.

In conclusion I would like to say that all parents have different opinions and only they decide how many children to have.


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