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High School students should study only the subjects they choose! (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of high school education has always aroused a lot of discussions. Some people believe that high school students have to study all subjects. Others believe that high school students should study only the subject that they want to.

In my opinion, high school students should study only the subject that they need to the future vocation. Firstly, studying all subjects is a waste of time, because students will not use all this knowledge. Likewise, people are different and they cannot study the same subjects because some people disinclined to study it.

However, there exists another point of view. Some people believe that high school students have to study all subjects. First of all, high school student must get at least a little knowledge in each subject.

esides, studying all subjects give teenagers a vital amount of knowledge.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it.

To begin with, most of the knowledge that students learn at school will not be useful outside of it. Moreover, often a vital amount of knowledge student can get to study only the subjects that he choose.

In conclusion, I would like to say that students are different so they should to study different subjects. As far as I am concerned, modern world encourages humanization in education.


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