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High school students should study only the subjects they choose example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, pupils in high school have a lot of different disciplines. Some people think that children should choose the subjects they need, while others claim that the educational program should be the same for all students.

I strongly believe that each high school student should be provided with an individual school program. Firstly, teenagers can choose the subjects that will be useful for them in the future. This make it possible to get deep knowledge. For example, those who want to become a doctor can pay more attention to the biology, those who plan to connect their life with finance can choose mathematics. Secondly, the choice of subjects is necessary for successful passing of final exams. The student can focus on the subjects that they need for exams and not be distracted by others subjects.

However, there are people who claim that schoolchildren must study subjects from different areas. They think that students acquire basic knowledge and skills by studying more disciplines. This improves their intelligence and erudition.

I cannot agree with the viewpoint above. I think that some subjects must just not be interesting for someone. High school students can waste their time and energy studying unnecessary subjects, that can lead to failures in important subjects. Therefore, students need to make a correct schedule of their classes and choose what they need.

All in all, I still believe that students should study only the subjects they selected, instead of learning other disciplines.


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