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High school students should only study the subjects they choose (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, students in high school may choose only subjects that they want to study. There has always been a dispute between those people who think that children should choose only the subjects they need and those who think that it is not true.

In my opinion, it is the right choice, because children are free to take only useful information, which can help them in the future. Firstly, they can only choose subjects of interest according to which they want to choose their profession. Secondly, they only lose time studying unnecessary subjects.

However, there is an opposing point of view that all people must know basic information in each science. It is important to learn new things about the world and have an idea about the structure of life and ourselves. These people talk about the need for general education, deep knowledge in all subjects.

To a certain extent, it is right but I cannot totally agree with this viewpoint.

Today we need professionals in absolutely different spheres. If students could study only subjects they choose, we would be able to get more specialists with deep knowledge in a certain field.

In conclusion, I doubt that pupils must learn so many subjects, they actually need basic knowledge, but it’s better to completely immerse yourself in studying of just one particular subject, and not to study everything at once.



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