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Few words about «Genius» (2015) Part 1 (Фильмы и сериалы)

1. The personalities of the main characters:

I’m going to analyze traits of, let's name it, trio: Max Perkinson, Thomas Wolf and Aline

ernstein as they take up the most screen time, exactly, their relations and life are most portrayed in the film. So, let’s start. Max Perkinson is a sober-minded, sedate man, father of three daughters and, in general, just a good man. Most often he is obsessed with his work, but when he does it you see a real professional.

eing highly talented author Thomas Wolf still has some failings as a human. Aline considers him too self-absorbed, unable to care about others and that lead to their parting in the end. His character is turbulent, making his relations with people sometimes very tough but also extraordinary.

Aline is very artistic and passionate nature, looking charmingly for her ages.

2. The visual and audio effects:

Needless to say, that right musical score and riveting CGI make a great contribution to the film atmosphere and overall success both with critics and audiences. As for “Genius”, there was no need to use computer effects, unless only for a few panoramic scenes of New York of the 20s of the last century.

ut in general, features of time were conveyed by using certain costumes, colours for shooting and soundtracks that don’t disturb you from the film but accompany all its scenes as slight support to accomplish the intended effect on the viewer. However, here musical score doesn’t play a significant role like it was, for instance, in Interstellar movie.

3. The main idea/ message of the film:

The film was intended to show viewers how difficult it is to be an honest writer, stay penniless but never sell one's dignity for some money in her/his pocket. Even supremely talented novelists should cooperate with authorized editors in order to sell their books and share their ideas and thoughts not between small audiences but do it worldwide.


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