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Few words about «Genius» Part 2 (Фильмы и сериалы)

6. Some powerful quotation from the movie:

“We are not those characters we want to be, we’re those characters we are” – Thomas Wolf. I found that statement made a profound impact on me since I sat down and decided to reason on that simple wisdom, giving an insight into our hustle society. Throughout the whole life, a human always strives for something much greater than he/she has today. We always are looking for value benchmarks, idols, whose behaviour could be an example for us or even the end goal.

y watching films, listening to podcasts, reading books and even scrolling social media feed, we unconsciously entertain such thoughts, making us dream about a better version of ourselves but in an external rather than an internal perspective.

If only I had a look like Dwayne Johnson if only I had opportunities like Iron Man had had, and etc, I would probably be happier and more successful.

ut we are not those, we are thinking of so much, we are ourselves - unique and indispensable. Our duty is not to live the life of others but to admit our identity and take necessary actions to have a worthy life of self.

5. My overall impression about the film:

To begin with, I got into the movie since I saw it suddenly on one particular TV channel. Watching it for the second time, especially in English, I was able to be more attentive to notice all upsides and downsides of the film I’d like to discuss with you.

Primarily, it is film cast, so many prominent actors involved in one project: Colin Firth, Dominic West, Guy Pearce, Jude Law, Laura Linney, Nicole Kidman. It’s truly gripping to watch for their play, which is natural, bright, making characters they introduce believable right from the scratch. Secondly, here you can see how sacrificing family and loved ones for work, which in this case may not even happen, influence the mindset of the characters, their relations. The film is very thought-provoking and made me pose the following question: if it is fair and right for the married woman but not in love with her husband find new love, which will ignite her, change for the better?


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