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40. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays an interpreter becomes a popular profession. Some people think a person who speaks a foreign language fluently is able to work as an interpreter. Others argue with them.

In my opinion, a person who demonstrates fluency in a foreign language cannot be a professional interpreter. First of all, this profession requires some skills, which could be learnt only at university.

For instance, it is an excellent pronunciation or a simultaneous translating. Secondly, interpreters should have a tremendous language vocabulary to be able to translate every sentence correctly. Ordinary people who speak a foreign language well often confuse the words. It is unacceptable in the translation profession.

Nevertheless, some people believe that a person who speaks a foreign language perfectly can work in a language interpreting field. On the one hand, such person usually has a practical background and can easily translate every phrase. On the other hand, people who are fluent in a foreign language have overcome the fear of speaking, while many young translators may not be completely confident.

However, I cannot agree with the above point of view. People who speak foreign languages fluently usually make a general and inaccurate translating because they are not trained to do it. Moreover, inability to excuse and to correct mistakes make these people nervous or confused when the interpreters know what to do in every special case.

In conclusion, I would like to say that tastes differ. However, even a person who has a good command of a language cannot be employed as a professional interpreter.

Оценка эксперта:

K1- 0 баллов. Поэтому задание целиком оценивается в 0 баллов. 4 нераскрытых аспекта и 1 не полностью раскрытый аспект. Что касается остальных критериев, то работа набравшая 0 баллов за РКЗ (Решение коммуникативной задачи) дальнейшей проверке не подлежит.

Эссе не соответствует заданной теме. Автор потерял одно из ключевых слов "easily". Эссе написано на тему "Человек, свободно владеющий иностранным языком, может работать переводчиком".


Nowadays an interpreter becomes a popular profession. Some people think a person who speaks a foreign language fluently is able to work as an interpreter. Others argue with them.

Аспект не засчитывается, автор потерял ключевое слово easily и сформулировал другую тему.

Свое мнение

In my opinion, a person who demonstrates fluency in a foreign language cannot be a professional interpreter. First of all, this profession requires some skills, which could be learnt only at university. For instance, it is an excellent pronunciation or a simultaneous translating. Secondly, interpreters should have a tremendous language vocabulary to be able to translate every sentence correctly. Ordinary people who speak a foreign language well often confuse the words. It is unacceptable in the translation profession.

Аспект также не засчитывается, т.к. нее соответствует теме.

Мнение оппонентов

Nevertheless, some people believe that a person who speaks a foreign language perfectly can work in a language interpreting field. On the one hand, such person usually has a practical background and can easily translate every phrase. On the other hand, people who are fluent in a foreign language have overcome the fear of speaking, while many young translators may not be completely confident.

Аспект засчитывается частично. Автору следует обратить внимание на фразы с одной стороны/с другой стороны. Эти вводные фразы в эссе формата “Мое мнение” не используют. Они больше подойдут для эссе типа “За и против”, на ЕГЭ все эссе пока только одного типа - “Мое мнение”.


However, I cannot agree with the above point of view. People who speak foreign languages fluently usually make a general and inaccurate translating because they are not trained to do it. Moreover, inability to excuse and to correct mistakes make these people nervous or confused when the interpreters know what to do in every special case.

Не соответствует теме. Не засчитывается.


In conclusion, I would like to say that tastes differ. However, even a person who has a good command of a language cannot be employed as a professional interpreter.

Вывод не по теме и написан в формате эссе “За и против”. Здесь нужно еще раз высказать свою точку зрения.

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